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About spiritual awareness
In the sea of humanity, our thoughts, words and deeds create ripples of energy that eventually touch others. Our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires can be kind or cruel. If we are ever to gain world peace though, we will need to vastly increase acts of kindness and vastly reduce acts of cruelty. We cannot achieve such profound change unless, and until, we change our negative thoughts. Simply denying that we have negative thoughts serves no purpose other than to excuse ourselves from making changes; likewise blaming others for our negative thoughts. Until we acknowledge that we have them, we are powerless to change.

Figure 01: Ripples

Similar to light, thoughts behave as both waves and particles. Anyone who has experienced depression knows that the wave effect is very real. As each depressive thought occurs, we feel the advancing anguish and await its departure so that we can 'feel better' again. Likewise, we know that thoughts are particles... we actually feel them physically and have a name for them... "emotions/feelings'. Negative thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency than positive thoughts. Anyone who has had angry thoughts or experienced something pleasurable knows the difference, and has felt the difference, between anger and delight.

The process has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with this key fact: We are not alone on our journey; we are each accompanied by a spiritual guide. In any given moment, our guide is but a question away. Knowing who we are at our core, and knowing that we are not alone on our journey, form the very foundation of the work herein.

Since our thoughts create our reality, it only makes sense that changing our thoughts will change our reality. Learn to work with your guide to change the thought patterns that create injury, illness and unhappiness. The guides help us to find the truth of the issues that keep us stuck in the past, and to heal those injured parts of our lives.

Know this: In any moment of any day or night, we can choose to communicate with our guide and start making ours the best reality possible.

The good news
The good news is that since our thoughts create our reality, we can change our reality by changing our thoughts. The thoughts we "feed" ourselves (our spiritual nutrition) are every bit as important as the nutrients we eat and drink (our physical nutrition). You can bring profound, lasting change into your life by changing your thought patterns. This site teaches how to do that. You will learn how to:

Our thoughts drive our every action or inaction; they determine the course of our lives. Paying attention to our thoughts enables us to start changing them. If we fail to pay attention to our thoughts (our spiritual diet), we risk becoming a victim of them. When we leave this life, we take with us only our thoughts.

A steady spiritual diet of fear, anger, worry or guilt is much like a steady physical diet of potato chips, candy and soda pop. This website teaches how to change a poor spiritual diet into one that is rich in positive thoughts, attitudes and emotions, belief systems and desires. Do the self-work herein and watch as your automatic responses to difficult people and situations mature and improve.

Figure 2: Components of our spiritual diet
Figure 02: Components of our spiritual nutrition

Doing this self-work will bring positive change into your life. How much is up to you. You can do as much or as little as you decide. Even if you only resolve one inner conflict though, your life will improve. Of course we all have many inner conflicts, so the more issues you are able to resolve, the more likely you will be to meet your soul’s true, full potential. After inner conflicts are resolved and negative patterns remodeled, you may find yourself wondering, “What more is there to do? Is this all there is?” Indeed, there is more. Section 11 provides information about continuing your path toward increased spiritual awareness and growth.

Food for thought
Just think of the billions of dollars and vast resources that could be spared, were we to forgive those who harm us. Just think of the needless pain and suffering we could avoid if we were to forgive ourselves. Chronic diseases could be avoided, along with harmful acts done out of despair, anger or hatred.

The power of thought
The immense power of our thoughts cannot be overstated. Nothing exists in physical without first having existed in thought. Our thoughts drive our every action or inaction. The state of humanity is what it is today because of our thoughts, whether positive or negative. If we are ever to reduce negativity in the world, we must first change ourselves; we cannot change ourselves unless and until we recognize - and refine and reduce - our own thoughts. We must stop blaming (the devil, the weather, the moon, other people, circumstances, etc.) and start accepting responsibility for our negative thoughts.

If you want to change negative thoughts but do not know which ones you might have, or if you do not think you have any, look up the physical conditions you have and see the thought patterns that can enable them.

Figure 03: Thought manifesting in matter produces physical life
Figure 03: Thought manifesting in matter produces physical life

Food for thought
“Success comes to those who know and apply the law. Truth will triumph over all adversaries. Each one must learn by dear bought experience the difference between ‘human opinions’ and 'divine truth’, between 'human leading’ and ‘divine guidance’. ... So long as we get rid of selfishness, ignorance, envy, self-seeking and self-praise, the advance and prosperity of the movement is assured. But our duty is to be loyal to the Spirit of Truth, which commands us to sacrifice the personal for the Universal and our own selfish interests and opinions for the one Divine Center of truth and love, within each one where unity and harmony alone can obtain.”
Excerpt from "MELCHIZEDEK ~ OR ~ The Secret Doctrine of the Bible" by J. C. F. Grumbine

Section 1 ⇒

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© Copyright: Sheila A. McBeath 1999
ISBN  978-1-7753521-2-9
If you print, reproduce or use any of this information, do not alter the content, and acknowledge "Making Change in Our Lives (a workbook)" within your material.

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The information in this website and/or e-book is provided as spiritual information only. It is not to be used or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Consult your healthcare provider before making healthcare decisions. Your use of this web site and/or e-book means that you accept these terms. Last Updated 20241014

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