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Section 4-3 - Spiritual meaning of the numbers

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Spiritual meaning of the numbers
Like everything in the universe, each number has a specific vibrational frequency.

The guides use numbers and letters to draw our attention to unrecognized issues, or to give us feedback about our progress.

If more than one digit is given in your guide's message (example: 12), ask if the number needs to be reduced to one digit (1+2=3) to find the required message. If it does not, then look at the meaning of each digit individually (1 and 2), and/or at the number itself (12).

A numerical value has been assigned to the letters of the English alphabet as follows:

Figure 20: Numerical value of letters of the English alphabetFigure 20: Numerical value of letters of English alphabet

Suggested interpretations for the numbers
Suggested interpretations for the numbers zero (0) through thirty eight (38) are listed below (not intended as a numerological reading). Be sure to ask your guide for their intended message for you.

Not hearing your guide? Check out how belief systems can prevent communication.

NumberKeyword and Description
Zero (0)Keyword: Attunement
State of being at peace. A time for patience, to look within, rest, rejuvenate, meditate. May indicate feeling stuck, yet unable or being unwilling to take action. Could be a belief that "I already know this"
One (1)Keyword: Initiative
The beginning of a new cycle. May indicate trying to do something alone, unassisted (ego)
Two (2)Keyword: Communication
Able and willing to give and receive information. May indicate a co-dependent relationship or difficulty deciding whether to speak truth
Three (3)Keyword: Harmony
Unity of mind, body, spirit. May indicate that conflict and disagreement are preventing peace
Four (4)Keyword: Intent
Able and willing to do whatever is required to get the job done. May indicate laziness, or that more effort is required
Five (5)Keyword: Change
Change has been achieved, or may indicate that we are fighting change, or not acknowledging that we need to change (denial)
Six (6)Keyword: Quest
The search for spiritual understanding. May indicate that we are ready for a new level of learning
Seven (7)Keyword: Learning
May indicate that we need some alone-time, so that we can reflect on whatever has been happening
Eight (8)Keyword: Union
Our interconnectedness with the Universal Intelligence. We are never alone. May indicate that we are feeling abandoned or betrayed and craving support
Nine (9)Keyword: Heritage
Can indicate a positive, or a negative, family pattern. Are we teaching it to others?
Ten (10)Keyword: Completion
Completion of a stage, a cycle or a project has been achieved, enabling a new cycle of learning to begin. May indicate fear of failure/success
Eleven (11)Keyword: Opportunity
A doorway. New possibilities or opportunities are now available. Who or what must be left behind? Is there guilt or remorse?
Twelve (12)Keyword: Generosity
Able to give without expectations. May indicate greed, jealousy
Thirteen (13)Keyword: Conciliation
Willing to do whatever it takes to come to fair and equitable solutions. May indicate inability of unwillingness to do so
Fourteen (14)Keyword: Creativity
Constructive, productive, expressive. May indicate a fear of personal expression
Fifteen (15)Keyword: Curiosity
Seeking Universal Truth and understanding. May indicate a belief that new information from our guide cannot be helpful
Sixteen (16)Keyword: Wisdom
Ability to see beyond self. May indicate narcissism
Seventeen (17)Keyword: Guiding principle
Able to seek guidance without fear of losing self. May indicate unwillingness to seek guidance, believing that we know best
Eighteen (18)Keyword: Faith
Belief systems founded in Universal Truth and unconditional love. May indicate unhealthy belief systems not based in Universal Truth that prevent trust
Nineteen (19)Keyword: Cooperation
Able to share knowledge and acknowledge our shortcomings. May indicate a fear of being replaced that prevents acknowledging our shortcomings (see fear of abandonment)
Twenty (20)Keyword: Striving
Willing and able to work hard to attain one’s goals. May indicate lack of desire to work
Twenty one (21)Keyword: Equality
Treating self and others fairly, with respect. May indicate that we are holding double standards
Twenty two (22)Keyword: Perseverance
Keeping on, in spite of obstacles. May indicate a pattern of giving up at the first sign of trouble or difficulty
Twenty three (23)Keyword: Revolution
Profound positive change has been gained in self, in belief systems or in behaviours. May indicate that change is needed in self, in belief systems or in behaviours
Twenty four (24)Keyword: Purpose
Following our higher motivations. May indicate resistance to following a higher path
Twenty five (25)Keyword: Sacrifice
Willing to meet others’ needs before our own. May indicate unwillingness to act selflessly
Twenty six (26)Keyword: Transformation
Change a liability into an asset. May indicate a belief that change is not possible
Twenty seven (27)Keyword: Reconciliation
Able to settle differences fairly and to forgive without expectations. May indicate resentment, revenge, or unwillingness to forgive
Twenty eight (28)Keyword: Optimism
Able and willing to look for the silver lining. May indicate unwillingness to do so
Twenty nine (29)Keyword: Opportunity
A new opportunity awaits. May indicate unwillingness to step out of our comfort zone
Thirty (30)Keyword: Inspiration
Hearing our inner voice and acting on it. Seeing new possibilities. May indicate resistance to growth, improvement or change. See defiance
Thirty one (31)Keyword: Intuition
Seeking guidance as to the best course of action and following it. May indicate unwillingness to following guidance, thinking our way must be easier or better or safer
Thirty two (32)Keyword: Analysis
Open to considering all options. May indicate inability or unwillingness to look beyond the easy way out
Thirty three (33)Keyword: Reason
Able to think clearly, yet feeling the emotions of a situation. May indicate a lack of desire to focus
Thirty four (34)Keyword: Stillness
Appreciate periods of inactivity. May indicate inability or unwillingness to relax
Thirty five (35)Keyword: Agreement
Agreement without anger can open the door to new possibilities. Agreement with unspoken needs or desires creates a peace that cannot last
Thirty six (36)Keyword: Sharing
Able and willing to give and take fairly. May indicate that we are only willing to give, or only willing to receive. Applies to material items as well as to communication
Thirty seven (37)Keyword: Faith
Knowing that the next step will be revealed in due course. May indicate inability or unwillingness to trust that the Universal Intelligence will provide whatever information is needed to help us move forward spiritually
Thirty eight (38)Keyword: Evolution
Able and willing to change and grow. May indicate that we want everyone else to change

⇐ Section 3      Section 5 ⇒
Section 4
Section 4-1 - Ground rules     Section 4-2 - Colours     Section 4-3 - Numbers     Section 4-4 - Symbols

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© Copyright: Sheila A. McBeath 1999
ISBN  978-1-7753521-2-9
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Last Updated 20250124

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