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Yes. God really exists. Yes, God has a plan for you. Find out what it is by meditating in the new way. Any question directed toward our Creator will bring a response that is in accordance with the spiritual law of free will. Get centred and ask your question as simply as possible; then listen for the answer. If the answer does not come immediately, there may be other information needed first. In that case, start to build a pattern of regular mediation with the Universal Intelligence, work through inner conflicts and learn belief systems that are based in Universal Truth.
The gift of free will enables us to choose how to think, how to behave, and even what to believe. These spiritual choices determine our physical reality and, in fact, the condition of life on the planet. We are not judged for our choices or punished, but the Universal Intelligence allows us to experience their logical consequences. That is, if we judge, criticise, condemn, control, blame, hate, seek revenge and so on, it is we who must deal with the physical results (accidents and/or injury and/or illness and/or war) of these negative spiritual choices. Our physical body rests upon the foundation created by our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires; our planet and its life forms are experiencing the results of countless thousands of years of their outcomes. The world is becoming a better place as we begin to grasp this idea, and as we do the work required to bring profound change into our lives.
War, genocide, crimes against humanity and acts of terrorism continue to occur, just as they have throughout history. They are caused by our negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires. Of course we must be ready, willing and able to stand up to bullies and aggressors; pacifism is not enough to stop those on a path of wanton destruction. We must be willing to defend our way of life, yet we cannot sink to barbarism when meting out justice to offenders. Doing so only perpetuates the cycle of karmic debt. It is far better to employ Restorative justice.
No. God is neither angry nor disappointed with humanity. Disappointment implies that judgment, criticism, and condemnation have taken place, and since the Universal Intelligence is unconditional love, disappointment is not possible. We are living in accordance with the Universal spiritual law of free will, experiencing all that there is to be experienced, and we will ultimately learn our way back to Source. That is the way, the truth and the life.
Yes, and here they are. These are not commandments as such, but rather goals and guidelines:
Seek guidance from the Universal Intelligence, for it is always available
For your consideration: Nothing exists in physical without first having existed in thought. If the above statement is true, then this universe was thought of before it came into existence: someone or something considered all the necessary components and processes for it to grow and thrive before releasing it. That may sound like a thinking God created everything, but personally, I cannot see another way for this universe to have come into existence. Not a being with a great long beard sitting on a throne, dictating to all the little cherubs and angels what needs to be done by whom, and where, and when. But a Creator, the Source, all-powerful, all-knowing, and, most importantly, unconditionally loving - to the point that it endowed many of its creations with free will. On Planet Earth, each life form and process is bounded by certain limitations, with those in human form having the fewest.
Fewer thoughts The more we reduce and refine our thoughts, the easier it becomes to communicate with our guide, and with the Universal Intelligence. As more and more of us do this work, we edge closer to the next step in human evolution: that of becoming ready, willing and able to include input from the universe in all of our daily affairs. Free will allows us to choose to ignore this wisdom and ignoring it has gotten us into considerable trouble, but what better way to learn?
Our so-called inner voice is the wisdom of the Universal Intelligence, given to us by our guide. By learning to meditate in a new way, you can begin communicating consciously with your guide.
When in a centred state, ask your guide her or his name. (Although the guides are not male or female, they do tend to respond to us in ways that seem either feminine or masculine.) If you hear more than one name, there is more than one guide with you. In that case, ask for the name of your personal companion/teaching guide. At least one guide accompanies us on our life's voyage (in and out of human form) and other guides travel with us for as long as necessary. In truth, the number of guides working with us does not make us any better or worse than any other human.
Sometimes they do, and sometimes they do not ~ it all depends on what is required for our soul's learning. The guides abide by the guidance of the Universal Intelligence and its spiritual laws. Only they know what lessons are required for us during a particular lifetime. Although some experiences harm the physical body, the soul gains wisdom from the experience, even if not until the soul is "at home". Unfortunately, it is often through the more painful and difficult experiences that we learn the more difficult spiritual lessons.
Whether or not we come to harm also depends upon whether we pay attention to our thoughts. Very often we are warned to do or not do something (in our thoughts of course, for the guides communicate with us telepathically), or to go or not go somewhere. It is our choice whether to heed the warning. We may never know how many people met with harm who chose to ignore their guide’s suggestion, but we are hearing of more and more people who do pay attention, who live to tell the tale.
No. Telepathic communication is a reality, but only between a soul in physical form and the Universal Intelligence via our guide. Of course, our guides can play along with our beliefs and desires and let us think we are reading someone's mind: we may sometimes guess what someone is thinking, or we may have a premonition that a loved one is having some sort of extraordinary experience; but it is our guide letting us know - not our loved one. At this point in human evolution, we hardly even hear our own thoughts, never mind someone else's. So long as we judge, criticise and condemn and try to control one another, mental telepathy will not be possible.
Spirituality is knowing that we are children of the Universal Intelligence, and therefore loved unconditionally. It is knowing, deep within, that we are much more than our physical bodies; we are spiritual beings dressed in human form, learning our way back to Source. Spirituality is knowing that this holds true for each and every human being, not just the fortunate few. Being a spiritual person does not mean having to forsake family, friends, sex, wealth, luxury, food or drink, or even work or play. We need not deprive ourselves of the joys of life, and we certainly need not inflict pain on ourselves to prove our devotion to God. After all, the Universal Intelligence hears our every thought, so there really is nothing to prove.
These are not so much gifts as they are skills or abilities learned in previous lifetimes that the Universal Intelligence may activate in the current existence. Any spiritual ability that we have while in human form is there because the Universal Intelligence has enabled it. We become better able to use them to help others after we have worked through our unresolved issues and inner conflicts. Here are some of the spiritual gifts, along with some newer information about them:
The ability to heal others is a myth. Healing is given at the discretion of the Universal Intelligence - sometimes working through another human, sometimes not. See miraculous healing
Medical intuition is the ability to hear our guide tell us what is happening physically with another individual. Of course, the clearer our thoughts and the fewer our inaccurate belief systems, the more readily we may hear Universal Truth
The ability to see auras is the ability to see the energy emanating from another individual. Of course, the only way to really know what the various colours mean is to ask our guide in meditation. Remember to ask for whom the message has been given. See What are the chakras?
Psychic abilities are becoming more well-known and widely accepted as being a possibility. Foreseeing future events, finding missing people, channelling, communicating with the dead, seeing entities who are not in physical form, interpreting dreams; these are all thought to be the result of psychic intuition. The Universal Intelligence says that they are the result of our guide giving us information along with, sometimes spectacular, special effects. The psychic is willing to tune in and listen to what the Universe has to say, and then to share the information. However, and here is what can damage the credibility of psychics, the information is filtered through their belief systems, so the message may or may not come through intact. This is one of the reasons that the information in the Bible may not completely contain Universal Truth - it may have been influenced by the prevailing social norms of those olden days. Given that all souls come from Source, we all have an inherent sixth sense and it is possible to develop it. Doing so requires practice and dedication to become a clear channel, else we risk presenting less than accurate information. Start becoming a clear channel through Spiritual decluttering. Doing this work sets us firmly on the path of profound soul development and enables us to truly serve God, and thereby humanity
Astral projection - seeming to leave our physical body. This can occur when we are in a meditative state and therefore more open to allowing our imagination to roam freely. It can also happen during a near-death experience to show us that life truly goes on after death of the physical body (a driving force in the human struggle to recall our divine nature). In either case, the importance of asking our guide questions about the experience cannot be overstated
Bi-location or 'phasing' - seeming to be in two different places and times at the same moment. This can occur if an individual has attained a level of spiritual enlightenment that enables consciousness to separate from ego in order to gain information (see What is 5th dimensional state of being). The individual is physically present in one place and time and energetically present in another
The gift of tongues is indeed a gift and has been widely misunderstood for centuries. It has been taught that when this gift is bestowed upon an individual, she or he will speak words that sound like no language on earth, yet seem familiar. Further, that a human interpreter is required to explain what God has said. In truth, when this gift is enabled, the words of the speaker will be automatically interpreted by the guide of each listener and transmitted telepathically to each listener in his or her preferred language
This is a label for a level of spiritual awareness. Just as there are dimensions of the physical plane of existence, so there are dimensions of the spiritual. See What are the planes of existence?
This information may seem to be at odds with much of what is out there, but it is simple and straightforward. It is free of the fear-based ideas that are currently widely accepted, and it presents the concept of the profound equality of all souls. There is no such thing as sin. There is no judgment, no criticism, no condemnation - all are free and able to experience whatever their soul needs in order to find its way back to Source. It is important to note that each and every individual soul was created, whole and complete, just before the instant of the big bang.
All souls entering physical form have been granted free will.
There is one soul for one physical body per lifetime, beginning approximately at birth and ending approximately at death of the physical body.
Whatever lessons are required for the soul’s ultimate spiritual advancement will be presented. We will be tested, relentlessly. See What is karma?
All souls entering into physical form are accompanied by, and entitled to communication with, a personal companion/teaching guide.
The guides abide by the wisdom and guidance of the Universal Intelligence and by the spiritual laws.
Free will is the most important of the spiritual laws affecting humankind. This means that we have free will to make our own choices - in fact, Planet Earth is often called the free will planet. But free will goes far beyond simply being able to choose which action to take and when. It is the ability to choose what to think, what to desire, what to feel and how to react; even more importantly, it is the freedom to believe whatever we want to believe. God, the Universal Intelligence, the Creator, whatever you choose to call Source, helps us maintain and even strengthen our belief systems even if they are not based in Universal Truth. Whatever our beliefs, the Universe will allow us to experience, in physical, the outcomes of them. That is free will in action, and that is partly why it is so important to be aware of our core belief systems: they are the foundation upon which our physical body rests, and upon which our life experiences depend.
Free will is also our opportunity to choose between doing what we want and doing that which the Universal Intelligence requires of us. There is only one way to find what God requires of us, and that is to ask God, through our own personal teacher/companion guide. Only they have the Universal Truth of what God requires of us as individuals. If we do not ask what is required of us, the information will not be given (because it would interfere with our belief(s). If we rely upon another person to tell us what God wants us to do, or upon information that is presented in a book (any book) or on television, or on the internet, we will not find God’s Truth of what is required for us as individuals - we will find only what someone else suggests; thus the importance of regular communication with our own guide.
The flip side of the free will coin is unconditional love. We are all children of God and we are each loved unconditionally at all times; therefore, we are never judged, criticised or condemned by God or his representatives. However, God does not excuse us from responsibility. He allows there to be consequences for our choices and our thoughts, attitudes and emotions. The consequences may not always be pleasant - they may even be painful - but we are entitled to communication, guidance, teaching and unconditional love throughout our entire life experience, whether we think it is deserved. However, just because we have free will does not mean that we are in charge: our lessons will be presented according to God’s timing and in whatever way He sees as best for our spiritual growth and he will test us relentlessly to make sure that the lessons are learned.
If this does not make sense, think of a toddler who is learning to walk. If the parent prevents the child from falling, how will the child learn to get up? So it is with the Universal Intelligence. We are allowed to make choices, to err, to fall, or to excel, to soar. Yes, we may be hurt - others may even be hurt by our choices - but ultimately, all will benefit.
Destiny? Or free will? It's not so much that our course is planned, but rather, at inception of this iteration of the universe, the vast intelligence that created it knew all that each of its emanations would produce. After all, we (and all of creation) are aspects of Source, so of course Source knows us intimately. Our record is written upon the fabric of space-time, and as we experience space-time, we respond to it. While we may not know how we will respond to our experiences, Source does. So it is not a matter of our needing to choose the "correct" response... it is a matter of doing as we choose, in any given moment. Our every choice can be based on our existing knowledge or on information gained from seeking guidance. That choice - whether to do as we wish or as guidance recommends - is ours to make, but of course Source already knows our response.
Yes. There are three key components: (1) the Universal Intelligence initiates the healing process in accordance with our desire to heal, (2) our faith - via the placebo effect - enables healing to occur (may or may not be instantaneous) and (3) the source of the offer of healing must be credible, or at least plausible, to us. A limiting factor is the spiritual law of free will, as healing will not occur if we prefer to remain unwell - yet another reason to become aware of our thoughts. See ability to heal others
It all comes down to free will. Since we are free to think whatever we wish (the Universal Intelligence will not interfere with our thoughts), and since illness starts in the thoughts, it is logical that repetitive negative thoughts will have a negative impact on our health. While a physical disease may be healed, the thought patterns that contributed to its creation may not change, thereby enabling the condition to recur.
Yes. While the current understanding of inherited risk factors says that we are born with an arbitrary blend of the genes of each of our parents and of their parents before them and so on - and that it cannot be changed without medical intervention, the newer understanding is that the blend is not arbitrary and it is not static. The Universal Intelligence creates the blend to reflect the spiritual makeup of the family unit as well as to meet the spiritual learning needs of the soul who is about to incarnate, further, the blend adapts to reflect the spiritual condition of the soul as it progresses through life - in other words, our genes are dynamic. So even if we are born with the genetic predisposition that goes along with, for example, Alzheimer's disease, as long as we do not have the thought patterns that go along with it, the disorder will not develop - another good reason to become aware of - and reduce and refine - our negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions.
Our ancestors had no way to explain why we get sick other than to blame the devil, or curses, or sometimes even God. Modern medicine has provided us with treatments and cures for many conditions and disorders, but we still have no explanation for their cause. We know "what" happens, but not why. I believe that our thoughts are the "why". it is the mind-body-spirit connection that contributes to illnesses of all sorts, including chronic and communicable diseases, inherited and congenital conditions, anniversary illnesses, and even injuries, whether accidental or intentional.
The Mind-Body-Spirit connection For every human illness, injury or accident, there is a spiritual component that comes from within self. The "Spirit" and "Mind" components of a condition result from our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, belief systems and desires (TAEBSD). It is these that make us who we are - they create our physical reality - they either raise or lower our personal vibrational frequency.
You may be wondering how our thoughts could possibly affect our physical bodies. After all, our thoughts are invisible and nobody hears them, right? While it is true that no other humans hear our thoughts (unless we actually say them out loud) our body pays attention to them, and our body reacts to them. How? Our central nervous system, housed within our spinal column, controls the various areas of the body. Not only does it coordinate and control all of the body’s organs and structures; it also transmits our thoughts throughout the body.
Each and every time we have a certain type of thought, like love or hate, joy or anger, or a particular desire or belief, the message is transmitted via the spinal cord to the vertebra responsible for the particular area of the body that is affected by the particular TAEBSD. Sometimes the result of having a particular thought is almost immediate (as with accidents and injuries); other times the outcome may not happen for days (as with certain illnesses); and some habitual thought patterns can take years to manifest in physical (as with chronic diseases). Eventually though, our TAEBSD will catch up with us.
For example, physically, the first cervical vertebra (C1) is linked to “Blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp bones of the face, brain, inner & middle ear, sympathetic nervous system” (per Gray's Anatomy). The spiritual component of problems with C1 is having belief systems that disagree with one another; for example, believing that a person is or was a saint, yet knowing that she or he really is or was not. The effect of a constant flow of energy of such a belief creates imbalance in the vertebra, ultimately creating a number of physical ailments.
Coincidence? Many people get sick or have an accident at the same time of year, every year. Is it just a coincidence, or is there something more meaningful at work? Incredible as it may seem, our unresolved issues can trigger physical symptoms and/or cause additional traumatic experiences around their anniversary date.
How can this be? We do not pay attention to most of our thoughts, but trust me; we think about our unresolved issues much of the time. We just keep on replaying them, looking for some solution as to why they happened. We know when they happened; we remember where we were, what we were doing, others who were present or absent, anyone who helped or harmed, sounds, tastes and smells. It should come as no surprise then, that as the anniversary date approaches, we begin to feel more stressed than usual, without really knowing why. This additional stress creates an extra load on our immune system, until we catch a virus or have a painful accident that we would normally be able to avoid. This goes on year after year, and we soon start to dread that time of year.
Bad news/Good news Unfortunately, until the inner conflict is resolved, we are doomed to repeat what has become a seemingly uncontrollable thought pattern. Fortunately, we can change - we can resolve these issues once and for all, by practicing meditation and doing the spiritual exercises in Section 9.
Each and every individual soul has a specific vibrational frequency (VF), set when the Universal Intelligence created us. The VF changes according to the spiritual outcome of each lifetime lived. The spiritual outcome is the net gain or loss that is made each time we either learn or do not learn the lessons presented in a particular lifetime. (Needless to say, there is someone monitoring us, for we simply do not have the vast intelligence required to administer such a program.) Our VF also fluctuates in accordance with our daily TAEBSD. It is this daily fluctuation that impacts our health. So…why do we suffer side effects from the very treatments and medications that are supposed to heal us?
Scenario We receive a medical diagnosis for our ailment, along with a prescription to help us heal. The prescription may be for medications or for steps to take to aid in the healing process. We start taking the medicine and following the recommended actions, and then, just when we should be starting to feel better, the side effects start. Maybe it is hives or a rash, maybe it is muscle aches and pains…could be just about anything that happens after the medicine or treatment is introduced, and we immediately blame that.
There is definitely something at work here, but I believe that the explanation involves more than just the physical aspect. The Universal Intelligence explains it thusly: side effects also result from our TAEBSD about the following:
That which has been prescribed or given as treatment
The person who gave us the prescription or treatment
Our desire to stay sick or to get better
Our beliefs about our ability to heal
Our beliefs about whether we are worthy of being helped
Our desire or lack thereof to cooperate with authority figures (like healthcare providers)
Since our TAEBSD are complex and intertwined, the above are just a few of the possibilities that can affect our results. However, once we recognize the spiritual components of our side effects, we can start healing from within by really resolving the issue. Then the treatments/medications can start to do their job. Just think how our healing could improve by doing this sort of work.
No. This belief comes from having no other way to explain why bad things happen to good people. Many go to great lengths to hire someone to expel the demon(s), often paying huge amounts of money. The scientific method brought us modern medicine, which has provided humanity with many treatments and cures, but no explanation beyond their physical cause, of just why they happen. While it is challenging to accept responsibility for our thoughts, I am here to tell you that recognizing - and changing - our negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions can improve our physical health beyond belief, especially when done in conjunction with medicine.
Adolph Hitler serves as an example of someone widely regarded as evil, who rose to a high position of power. As he reported to G. Ward Price after World War I, Hitler was a soldier in the trenches. He claimed to have heard a voice telling him firmly to "Get up and go over there", so he did. A few moments later, a shell burst over the trench he had just left. Had he remained, he would have been killed along with the soldiers who remained there. So, had the Universe not intervened, World War II might have been avoided.
This raises the question of why God could allow someone like Hitler to come to power. While we may not be able to fully understand all the reasons, we must at least allow for the possibility that the Universe knew that Hitler's eventual choices would provide for the creation and/or resolution of karmic situations for millions of souls. Such people as Hitler are instruments of change. Their words and deeds fulfill a vital service in the evolution of humanity, by showing us, graphically, that our thoughts really do matter. How long until we accept that it is we ourselves, each of us, who must change? When we change, society will change.
It is important to note that there is no such thing as an evil person. There are negative thoughts that cause negative behaviours, but the soul inside the person is not evil. We are all capable of great kindness or great cruelty, depending on our life experiences and the choices we make. The Universe knows each of us intimately, at soul level, and knows what is needed both for the individual, as well as humanity as a whole, to advance spiritually.
We are on the brink of another vast learning opportunity, and there will be choices to be made. Will we choose to side with kindness, generosity, compassion? Will we choose to side with intolerance, fear, greed, hatred? It is up to us. We can either be an instrument of love, or of hatred. We can use the upcoming challenges to learn and improve ourselves, or as an excuse to behave poorly. But choose we must, for as Elie Wiesel said: "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." See Why don't our guides keep us from coming to harm?
While it is possible to clear the negative thought patterns at the root of disease, it is very difficult to stop the negative thoughts that happen every day, that affect the aging process. The negative thoughts seem to occur without any effort on our part, yet they do occur. Try waiting in a long line-up without being impatient, or watching a video without judging someone.
At this point in time, I have no proof that it is possible to be in human form and be permanently and completely free of negative thoughts, but does that mean we should stop trying to improve ourselves? Of course not, but we can avoid much unhappiness by honouring our need for rest, rejuvenation and joy.
Feeling tired? Ask for help. Allowing others to help us gives them a chance to make a meaningful contribution. Of course this could mean having to share everyone’s praise of our efforts, but is it not worth it?
Feeling over-stressed? Allow self the dignity of taking some time to pause and reflect. Of course this could mean not getting everything done, but what is more important … being happy or having everything “perfect”?
Too busy to feel joy? Set aside some time to honour yourself by doing something that is just for you. Of course this could mean having to let others fend for themselves for a short time, but why not give it a try?
Doing these things strengthens us so that we can better be of service to others. Running ourselves down may make us unable to help anyone at all. Remember that when on an airplane, passengers are advised to secure their own oxygen mask before assisting others. So it is with life: make sure that we ourselves are happy and healthy; then we may assist others without feeling overburdened.
The chakras are energetic expressions of our current spiritual / emotional / physical state, emitted at our personal vibrational frequency. They play no role in our healing.
Chakras and the aura
The energetic emissions from each chakra register as colour and create what is known as our aura. The emissions swirl and blend, similar to smoke, to create our aura’s overall colour. The emissions result from, and vary in accordance with, our thoughts, attitudes and emotions. (Some people have been given the ability to see auras.) The chakras of other intelligent life forms (plants, other animals and even the planet itself) vary in type, number, purpose and capability, and are also visible to some people some of the time. Read more about the chakras.
Both. Our negative thoughts create our negative emotions, and together they lower our vibrational frequency. They can get us stuck in a feedback loop, where the worse our thoughts, the worse we feel. Injuries and illness can then occur. Check out Why do we get sick ...?
Sounds like "I wish I had their (money or luck or fame or family or whatever)" and just wallowing in the self-pity instead of taking positive action. Much illness and injury can be avoided by recognizing what such thoughts actually mean, and then working to change them.
Actual meaning The statement above reveals that we think God does not love us as much as someone else, or that God is punishing us for some unknown reason, or that we are such a horrible person that we do not deserve anything nice. These thoughts are judgment, criticism, and condemnation - not only of self, but of our Creator. They may also express jealousy or show that we are thinking like a victim
Change the pattern Meditate to recognize and come to peace knowing that we all have unique gifts, talents and challenges. We are all here to experience certain life lessons. The kinder we are to ourselves, the more likely we will be able to live up to our soul's potential.
Each soul is a ‘drop of light’ that is an element of Source. Through its travels and its experiences in material form, it develops personalities that will ultimately be set aside in order that it may return to Source with complete understanding of unconditional love. See Section 11.
A soul intertwines with the life form in which it resides for each incarnation. Access to our soul’s experience, knowledge and wisdom is usually unavailable to us, and that is one of the many reasons we need to rely upon our guide.
There are numberless trillions of souls in the universe. We were all created at the same instant, at what is commonly called The Big Bang. Many have come into physical form, while others have not yet done so. Groups of souls inhabit each galaxy in the universe to experience the lessons provided by that particular galaxy. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has a fellowship of leaders who, by virtue of their vast travels and experiences, embody unconditional love and possess profound wisdom. They exist in both the spiritual and physical realms, and oversee the development of the souls engaged in the cycle of reincarnation here. These leaders guide us and ensure that we experience whatever our soul needs for its ultimate benefit.
This is what people call someone who always seems to do the right thing, who seems to be a source of strength in difficult times or who seems to be very wise. Some people say it about themselves (see ego), while others may try to escape responsibilities by calling themselves young. While some souls may have come into human form more times than others, we are all the same age. Since our soul memories are mostly kept from us when in human form, we are all capable of anything (positive or negative), given the right circumstances.
At the moment of creation (the Big Bang), we were each given a name, our soul name. Knowing that we have a soul name can give us a sense of belonging to something larger than ourselves. Our Creator identifies each of us as individual parts of itself.
The guides know our soul name; however they use it only in extraordinary circumstances. In fact, on a day-to-day basis, they rarely address us by name at all - their communications sound like our own thoughts. Rest assured though, if they need to get our attention, they can call our name (our current earth name) so loudly (in our thoughts) that it sounds as if someone actually called us.
There are many lessons to be learned during the course of one's life. Besides learning to love unconditionally, we are here to have experiences, and to "go home" with no regrets (see forgiveness). And before you say, "Oh, I already do love unconditionally," be sure that you know the Universal meaning of unconditional love. See Section 11.
It is an age-old question: Why are we here? The Universal Intelligence explains it thusly: In our native spirit form, we travel the physical universe observing the many wonders therein. As spirit, we are able to move in and out of physical matter at will to experience the laws governing all matter, for example the laws of gravity, of motion, of cause and effect and so on. That is, until we enter into physical form on Planet Earth. Here things are a little different. Here there are additional laws with which to contend. One is that there is only one way in - physical birth - and only one way out - physical death. See Section 11. While there are countless other planets in the physical universe with various life forms into which souls may enter, they are a topic for another time.
Many people spend a lot of time bemoaning the fact that they have yet to meet their soul mate. They live in a state of impatient frustration, worrying that they will not - or cannot - be happy until they do. Although it may not seem like it, the good news is that there is no such thing. The Universal Intelligence created us as individual souls, whole and complete. As humans we may feel incomplete, but that is a reflection of unresolved inner conflicts. Consider this though; if we wait for someone to complete us, are we not placing huge expectations on that person?
When we feel very connected to certain other souls, it is because there are specific lessons to be learned or taught (see karma). We can also feel connected if we recognize the person “at soul level”, as being someone we know without having actually met. Everything about them can seem eerily familiar. This is a member of our soul family. There are countless soul families, each of which has a purpose to fulfill in a particular field of interest; for example, education, healing, artistic expression, revolution, etc. These families formed when souls with that particular interest, and similar vibrational frequency, gathered to help one another express their field of interest in physical reality. It is members of our soul family who greet us upon our return home from an incarnation. Each soul family is overseen by numerous entities known as archangels.
This question is best asked while in a centred state. The answer is likely complicated and may take several meditation sessions to fully comprehend. By all means, take pencil and paper with you into meditation. Learn about interpreting the meditation and dream symbols. Learn about core belief systems.
Even a seemingly simple belief system like, "I will not be complete until I find my soul mate" can prevent us from ever feeling wholly complete, so just imagine how believing that, "I caused something terrible to happen", could keep us stuck. For example, we might constantly experience poor service, shoddy repairs, cancelled or missed appointments, accidents, injuries, equipment failures, etc. This could well be the result of believing that we are guilty of something. Since guilt assumes responsibility, we feel we need to be punished, and so that is what we experience. The Universal Intelligence cooperates with our beliefs, even if we are not consciously aware of them.
In the hours before the accident, my thoughts kept telling me to linger over breakfast (I didn't because I was in a hurry to be finished), then to have a nice hot bath instead of a shower (I didn't because I just didn't feel like waiting for the tub to fill), then to do a little window shopping before my appointment (I didn't because I just didn't feel like wasting any time) - well, you get the picture. I just got right into my vehicle and headed out, ignoring my inner voice. As I was making a turn, a cyclist slammed into my vehicle, was critically injured and died. If I had not been there, it would not have happened. Does God see me as a murderer and will he condemn me to hell?
Instead of an answer to this very difficult question, here are some questions to ponder:
Are you sure that your inner voice wasn't just letting you know that something out of the ordinary was going to happen - giving you a warning, so to speak?
Are you sure that you weren't being used as an instrument to help the cyclist along his or her soul's journey?
Do you know what you are to learn from this experience?
Do you know what was required for the cyclist's life experience?
Do you know what was required for the cyclist's family's experience?
Do you think that God didn't know what was going to happen?
Do you think that God didn't know the likelihood of your responding to your inner voice?
Are you sure that the cyclist did not intend to self-harm? (How can we ever be sure of what another person is thinking? Just because the cyclist's family members may say that the person loved life and would never abandon them willingly, does not mean that they knew what was in his or her thoughts.)
Are you sure that the so-called victim in this accident didn't receive similar warnings from his or her inner voice? Do you think that God didn't know the likelihood of him or her responding to it?
Given all these unknowns, holding onto guilt can almost seem like an ego trip. Yes, you played a role in the experience, but so did the cyclist and so did God. If this experience has helped you to be more aware of the importance of paying attention to your inner voice, then God's purpose for you has been furthered. Perhaps the most important thing to do to get past the guilt is to forgive - not only yourself, but the cyclist and God. See Is it a sin to take someone's life?
The Akashic Records contain all that has occurred in this version of the Universe since the Big Bang, along with all that has been thought, felt, spoken, and/or done by all components of the Universal Intelligence, including souls. See memory to learn how the records are created.
Only the guides can access the records. It is they who provide us with information from the records when we are seeking to move forward spiritually. The information is not recorded in an Earth language, so the guides interpret and convey the information to us. Since the guides have no ego, they will allow us to think we are doing it ourselves even though we are not (see free will), so it is important to be in a centred state and to ask specific questions designed to find Universal Truth.
We are sent in to ‘experience’ and to learn. See Section 11
Yes. This has been happening for as long as humans have existed. The experience is provided to show us that (1) the soul continues to live even if the physical body does not and (2) even in such a profound experience, our spiritual guides adhere to the spiritual law of free will. If we believe in Hell, they will present visions of Hell. If we believe that our deceased loved ones are waiting for us on the other side, that is who will appear to us. If, instead, we simply have an open mind and trust that we are loved, we will be presented with Truth in an atmosphere of all-encompassing unconditional love. Near-death experiences created the need for spiritual expression, which led to the development of religion.
We return to our natural state by shedding our physical body and become, once again, energy. We may achieve attunement with the Universal Intelligence. We have been taught that God judges us when we go Home and either rewards us by allowing us to spend eternity in heaven, or punishes us with eternal damnation. Nothing could be further from the Truth. When we go Home, we are entitled to observe our life (with the help of our companion/teacher guide) to see the Truth, the Universal Truth, of whether we learned the lessons that were presented for us. If we learned the lessons, we will be sent back again for the next level of study, or to serve as spiritual teachers. If we did not learn the lessons, we will of course be sent in to try, try again. This is not punishment - it is simply learning. It is the way of growth. It is the way of unconditional love.
Reincarnation is the cycle of a soul entering into human form approximately at birth, remaining until the physical body dies, leaving for a time and then repeating the process innumerable times. Inherent in this idea is that the Universal Intelligence created all souls - humans create the physical body only.
All souls desiring to make the plunge into physical existence are prepared beforehand by learning about certain spiritual laws to which they as physical beings will be subject.
Many believe that the soul is born into human form time and time again in an attempt to attain perfection, and that by reaching perfection the soul will earn the right to no longer incarnate; however, the Universal Intelligence says that there is no such right since there is no such thing as perfection. The newer information says that having once entered into human form, the soul becomes subject to experiencing a vast array of required life experiences over many, many lifetimes. This is one of the reasons for Planet Earth being likened to a school.
It is not the soul who chooses whether, when and where to reincarnate, but Source. When the appropriate learning conditions for the soul arise, the soul is sent in. This may be five minutes, five years or five centuries past the soul's previous incarnation, so we cannot assume that our deceased loved one(s) will remain "at home" waiting for us to die and then join them for all eternity. All matters concerning birth (and rebirth) into human form are decided by Source and our guides. See Section 11.
While there is a veil placed over our soul memory when we enter an incarnation, portions of it may be available to us when we first enter an incarnation. As we become more enmeshed in our new life though, we begin to accept the current reality as the only reality. One exception to this is those who suffered life-ending trauma in a prior incarnation. If you have Netflix, check out “Surviving Death”, Episode 6 Of 6 - Reincarnation.
Many condemn themselves for being unable to remember a past life, but this is simply not within human control. However, if we have a true desire to learn about self, our guide can share certain information with us to help us advance spiritually. Past life regression/progression therapy through hypnosis can be helpful, but we run the risk of influencing, or being influenced by, the hypnotist. Meditation as taught by the Universal Intelligence can be more reliable but it is always imperative to be clear of desires and preconceived ideas, for our guides cooperate with them in accordance with the spiritual law of free will.
Karma is a dynamic system of checks and balances, created by the spiritual/physical entity "Halaliel" to assist souls in their efforts toward returning to Source. Our actions show that our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires are either in or out of alignment with unconditional love. Karma (quantum entanglement) is the sum total of life lessons needed to produce alignment. Karma is not punishment or retribution. Human experience is considered by our Creator to be learning - not good, not bad - just learning.
Note: Karmic debt we owe to others (and self) is forgiven as we treat others (and self) with mercy and grace rather than anger, greed, hatred, resentment or revenge. We can release karmic debt owed to us by others in the same way.
Instant karma This is an often immediate outcome of doing a good deed for the wrong reasons, or for being intentionally unkind . Then we wonder why we suffered an injury, or had a nasty disagreement. This is our guide's way to let us know that our thoughts are out of alignment with unconditional love.
Justification We tend to use our beliefs to justify committing unkind or even criminal acts. When we hold onto resentment and seek revenge against someone, we somehow feel justified in doing so. When we understand completely why we want revenge and call it by its real name, we begin to let go of it - we begin to change the pattern and start to forgive both others and ourselves.
Accept responsibility Many believe that past life experiences cause our problems in this life, sometimes even including health or relationship issues. To blame our current situation on some past life limits our potential and makes victims of us (Oh, I cannot change that pattern - it is from a previous lifetime.). The newer teaching says that change is always possible. Accepting that we are given all of the tools and every bit of information necessary for our growth in our current lifetime enables us to make great spiritual strides forward, when we choose.
Genetic disorders and birth issues Genetic disorders and birth abnormalities are not necessarily the result of so-called bad karma: souls enter human form to reflect the spiritual condition of the family, in conjunction with the individual's learning requirements. Even if in a lifetime we committed mass murder, the Universal Intelligence takes all our lifetimes and all that we have not yet learned into consideration when sending us into an incarnation. We could be sent in to become a physician to minister to those in need, just as easily as we could be sent in to become one who is in need. Only the Universal Intelligence knows what is truly required for our spiritual advancement. See required life experiences
Who is owed the karmic debt in this scenario? Scenario: For no apparent reason, someone harms (or helps) our loved one. Since karmic situations arise only between the individuals directly involved, neither case involves us. Our loved one’s karma is theirs to meet, for better or for worse.
How can we tell if someone has paid a karmic debt owed to us? Scenario: For no apparent reason, someone does something really kind and generous for us, and there is no way for us to show them our appreciation. Rather than feeling an obsessive debt of gratitude, the newer understanding says that we may go in peace, trusting that all is well. A karmic debt has been repaid.
How can we tell if we have paid a karmic debt? Scenario: Someone harms us either physically, emotionally, or even economically. We have repeatedly reviewed the experience and forgiven the offender for their actions, yet feel that we should somehow have been able to protect ourselves. There is no way to prevent such offenses, but spiritual enlightenment can help us to recognize them. Know that in this situation, a karmic debt has been repaid. Go in peace and trust that all is well; the situation has been resolved.
How can we tell if we have incurred a karmic debt? Scenario: If we habitually treat others without regard for them or their feelings or needs, and without feeling remorse, karma is accruing against us. Resolving the issues causing us to behave in such ways will help to prevent further accrual, at least from this particular pattern.
This is a recognition, at soul level, of someone with whom we have been associated in a past life. Sometimes even the person's words and mannerisms can seem familiar. Like déjà vu, the feeling is given to show us that we are in the right place at the right time, and that everything is okay. Can also indicate that there are lessons to be learned or taught.
There is no such thing. It is wishful thinking that a highly developed soul can take over when the original owner/inhabitant gives up on life. The owner may give up, but the incarnation does not end until the required life experiences have been met. The individual is here to stay as long as the physical life form is viable: “One soul, one body per lifetime, beginning approximately at birth and ending approximately at death”. (Besides - when we are at home we are all highly developed souls. It is only when we are in physical form that we forget our true nature.)
There is a lot of speculation about the reasons for the ancient Egyptians' practice of mummifying their deceased. It was recently revealed to me that the process was invented by a certain priest named "Azarat", who lived approximately 12,500 years ago. He was closely associated with RaTa and Hermes.
RaTa had a keen interest in archaeology. Yes, archaeology was a field of study, even that long ago. RaTa was interested in preserving the DNA of those who would, one day, become the ancient ones. The very concept of this was fascinating to him. Yes, DNA was well understood by these highly spiritually attuned individuals. They had the spiritual wisdom and the technological tools with which to effectively, and humanely, manipulate the DNA of those with physical 'disadvantages' to ease their difficulties.
Azarat, on the other hand, had the highest respect for those who had completed a life cycle, and his aim was to honour their contributions to life, because it was "the right thing to do". It was also important to him that they would have a physical presence beyond their spirit having taken wing.
Mummification achieved both men's goals.
The first mummy was Iso, the daughter of RaTa and Isris. As of this writing, her mummy's location has not been discovered.
This same individual, Azarat, reincarnated during the time of Jesus as Joseph of Arimathea, who would ultimately provide his own personal tomb for Jesus' burial.
For every religious cult, there is an individual who has come along and said, “I will show you the way, the one way”, and a corresponding group of people only too ready to jump on board. Few of us dare to trust our own inner voice, so we happily surrender our power, our free will, to that person in the belief that their inner voice is somehow stronger / better / wiser / more reliable than ours. We tell ourselves that they have a connection with the Creator that we are lacking, and any direction that comes through her or him must be divine will. This eagerness to follow is, I believe, a fine spiritual quality, but it is misdirected. It would be far better to follow our own inner voice - our spiritual guide - than another human. After all, how can any human being possibly know what is best for another individual? How can handing over our power lead to anything but our ultimate victimization?
The instant we choose to follow someone other than our guide, we set up the conditions under which dictators thrive. We open ourselves to being told what to do, how to do it and when to do it - and, of course, we have to pay them to provide us with this ‘direction’. What great incentive to change ourselves! Of course we still need to abide by the laws of our society, but communicating with the Universal Intelligence to find the Truth about the questions we have, will enable us to find what’s right for us, what’s best for our soul’s development. Because of the spiritual law of free will though, the Universe is obliged to tell us what we expect to hear. Therefore, we need instruction in order to be able to tell the difference between our human truth and the Universal Truth. Since we are not yet taught how to do this as young children, we must learn the skills later in life. This website contains the information needed to do just that. See meditation and How can I be sure I'm receiving Universal Truth?
No. If you can hear your thoughts, you can hear your guide, who is one of God's divine representatives. Learn to meditate the new way.
Yes. Crime is the breaking of human laws, and sin is the breaking of so-called divine laws. The human laws defining criminal behaviour and the legal consequences for breaking those laws are evolving over time. For example, where the punishment for stealing a loaf of bread used to require public shaming and torture of some sort, it has softened considerably in many parts of the world as humanity evolves.
Likewise, we now understand more about the spiritual reasons for our behaviours, that is, actions we take against ourselves or others occur as a result of our negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions, belief systems and desires. While these may have been considered sinful in the past, the newer understanding of spiritual laws reveals that such actions are not cause for us to be judged, criticised or condemned. The Universal Intelligence views all human experience as learning, so logically there can be no such thing as sin in our Creator’s eyes.
We are God’s children, and God bestows the gift of free will upon us as we enter human form. We have been taught that humans are born into sin because of Eve's and Adam's choice to do what they wanted instead of what God had asked; however, just like Adam and Eve, free will gives us the opportunity to choose to follow God's guidance, or to ignore it. There is no sin in either choice. Every time we make a choice, we are using this gift from God. Every choice we make comes down to this: we choose to do as we wish, or we choose to do as God asks. So-called punishment for our, shall we say, less than positive choices comes as a logical outcome of our feelings of guilt or shame, with which our Creator is spiritually bound to cooperate by providing logical consequences.
No. While murder is a criminal act, calling it a sin is another matter. Many believe that abortion, birth control, murder, self-harm and euthanasia are sins, crimes against God. Why? Because the Bible says so. When the Bible was written, it seemed very important for humans to be fruitful and multiply, which also ties in with the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality. Interestingly, the Bible says it is ok to murder, so long as it is one of God's "enemies"; but since we are all God's children, logically, how can any of us be his enemy?
The Universal Intelligence is in charge of which soul goes into which existence and when, and our Creator knows when (and why) an individual will leave an incarnation - however short or long that lifetime may be. The Universe knows when a woman becomes pregnant the likelihood of her carrying that pregnancy through to completion. Why would our Creator allow a pregnancy to begin, knowing it would end in abortion, if he were merely going to condemn the woman to burn in hell, and the unborn child to be prevented from entering any future incarnations?
If birth control and euthanasia go against God's will, then who can say that prolonging life is in agreement with God's will? Death is every bit as much a part of life as living - only God knows how long he wants a person to live. If one believes that God wants medicine to prolong or protect life, would not it follow that He might also want medicine to help take away life? Likewise, if one believes that God wants no human intervention in preventing pregnancy, would it not follow that He would want no human intervention in prolonging or protecting life? The point is that the individual will never know what God really wants for us personally, unless and until we ask for his Truth, wait around long enough to hear his answer and then do as he has asked.
No. We have been taught that it is, but since God created each and every one of us, and since it is the Universal Intelligence who decides which soul is sent into which existence to learn which lessons, how can any existence be sinful? Is it labeled sin because people believe that our sexual preference is a matter of choice? Is it because homosexuality goes against the belief that God expects us to procreate? Is it because the Bible condemns homosexuality? The Bible condones slavery - does that mean that we should keep slaves?
People will use almost any reason to hate those who are different. The important thing is that no one is ever judged, criticised or condemned by God, for God knows all of the circumstances that create a particular experience for an individual. We are all children of God, and loved unconditionally. There is nothing wrong in having a loving relationship with another consenting adult - no matter what the race, creed, colour, religion, gender, sexual preference or any other criteria humans use to distinguish one from another. We are all children of God, and loved unconditionally.
There are many mixed messages out there about what to eat and what not to eat, which supplements to take and which ones to avoid, what to drink and what not to drink - and the list changes all the time! The Universal Intelligence teaches that our spiritual diet is at least as important as the physical food we eat. No physical food that we eat can be a sin or a crime against God. The many restrictions that are placed upon humanity are placed upon us not by God, but by humans and their desire to control others. To enjoy good physical health, eat a spiritual diet that is low in negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions and rich in positive ones. And here is something for vegetarians to consider: Plants are intelligent life forms, so ripping a vegetable out of the ground is every bit as cruel as killing an animal - their cries are just at a higher (inaudible to us) frequency. Unfortunately, there is no escape from the fact that life must consume death in order to live. Visit Youtube and watch this video called, "Smarty Plants".
Fasting as a way to cleanse our physical digestive system is well and good, but Source does not require us to prove our devotion by fasting; nor does fasting help still our thoughts. Fasting as practiced today is more a misapplication of ancient knowledge that it is our negative thoughts, and not the physical food we eat, that ‘taint’ us and prevent us from attaining true spiritual enlightenment.
The examples of ancient teachings listed here serve to underline this concept: From Wikipedia - The Buddha, Ascetic life and awakening and Wikipedia - Four Noble Truths. From “Hermetica. The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius translated by Brian Copenhaver”: Chapter XII, verses 3 and 4; and Chapter XIII, verses 7 and 8.
For those of you who wish to believe negative energies actually exist and actually influence us or harm us, please know this:
I almost - almost - wish you were right, because it is much easier to blame our woes on someone or something seemingly beyond our control. The Truth is though, this amazing universe provides all we 'seek', and if we wish to believe in something, Source will confirm it for us. This is the very foundation of the spiritual law of free will.
It is up to us, we ourselves, to stop blaming, and come to accept the only negative energies in the world, in the universe, are within our own thoughts. Believing we are not responsible for our experiences makes us into victims ripe for the picking by those people with nefarious intentions like greed - for money, power, fame, followers,
etc. Perpetuating this out-dated belief helps humanity not at all, except of course for those who would capitalize on it.
Withholding or hiding this information serves humanity not at all... and that would be 'evil'. If you disagree with the information in my website, that's ok. Censoring the information from others though? Now that would be the stuff of book-banning or -burning... and that would be 'evil'. The Truth is, the belief in negative energies perpetuates the woes facing humanity. It merely delays the inevitable decision society must take: we must put concerted efforts into helping those who need help the most.
No. The only negativity in the Universe is in the negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions of souls in physical form. The idea of the devil came from our need to explain the reason that bad things happen. Bad things do happen, all the time; however, this is not because of an evil entity or force. Natural disasters occur as a result of the laws of physics; unkind acts occur as a result of the negative thoughts and behaviours of humans. Getting in nature’s way could be avoided, were we to seek guidance before choosing where to build or live. Avoiding getting in the way of someone’s ill will is a little more complex. The important thing to remember though is that ill will is the result of human negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions. The moment we cast blame instead of accepting responsibility for our words and actions, we become powerless victims.
No. First of all, let it be said that the mark of the beast is not any of the COVID-19 vaccines, nor is it any vaccine at all.
The mark of the beast will be a physical sign of our conscious choice to surrender to a person who embodies evil. It may not feel like we are making a choice, yet that is exactly what we do when we decide to abandon reason and instead follow this entity who embodies the most despicable aspects of human thought and behaviour. This person will want us to be sick, weak, frightened, desperate, angry and confused, so that we will be easier to manipulate.
As children of God, and make no mistake, we are all children of God, is it not our responsibility to overcome these base tendencies of fear, hatred and resentment?
We must watch for and beware of anyone in the public eye who embodies deceit. She or he will lie to confuse us and make us unable and unwilling to tell the difference between fact and fiction. The beast will intentionally plant seeds of doubt to make us afraid to trust any source of information but her or him. The beast will lie about and cast blame on those who would help us, she or he will steal from those of us who are easily tricked or misled, act as if the law does not apply to her or him, spew hateful ideas designed to make us angry and to hate anyone who is different, pretend to be a poor defenseless victim yet bully those who would help us, claim to be our saviour yet do nothing to actually help us, and most of all, the beast will pretend to serve us with undying loyalty to make us willing to sacrifice anyone/ anything/ everything that we know and love in order to support her or him, even if it means our poverty, suffering or death.
The beast represents the darkest, most negative aspects of human behaviour. There are many leaders, in both the public and private sectors, who are selfish, self-aggrandizing, greedy, power-hungry, murderous, authoritarian - and worse. There are also plenty of regular people, just like you and me, with those same behaviours. Since we all have negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions, we could all be considered to have received the mark. Any soul in human form has the potential to behave in negative ways (see free will).
Whether there is a physical mark to show our choice, since God hears our every thought, there is no way to escape being held accountable. The main result will be a clear need to continue our soul development through further incarnations into physical form. We will remain stuck in the cycles of karma and reincarnation until we learn that each of us is an emanation of the Universal Intelligence and loved unconditionally.
No. There is no such place as Hell because nothing we could do that would cause God to condemn any soul to spend eternity away from Him. We are his children. We are loved unconditionally. After all, the worse the crime, the greater the need to receive unconditional love. Rather than punishment, souls continue their journey of learning by attending spiritual classes before and after each incarnation in physical form. We may wish for those who have harmed us to suffer eternally (see revenge), but that is simply out of step with the concept of unconditional love.
No. Curses, negative entities, ghosts, hobgoblins and other such figures exist only in the negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions of human beings. We may be frightened at the thought of them, but since they do not have physical form, they have no power over us - only our fear has power. The same holds true for witchcraft, black magic, voodoo-ism, and curses (or blessings for that matter). Additionally, vampires and/or re-animated dead people do not, in fact cannot, exist - dead is dead. When a physical entity dies, the soul who inhabited it leaves to continue on its journey, to its next incarnation. It does not / cannot re-enter because dead tissue cannot be re-animated, at least not yet.
These entities are the spiritual guides. They are messengers of the Universal Intelligence. We each have at least one guide with us at all times, 24/7. Sometimes they make their presence known, and these are opportunities for us to raise our consciousness and gain access to profound understanding.
Next time it happens, instead of just being afraid and telling the entity to go away or doing some ritual to make it go away, try asking some questions: "How can I help you?" "What is your name?" "Why have you made your presence known to me?" "Do you have a message for me?" If the answer is yes, ask for the message. After asking, pay attention to your thoughts, for it is there that the answer will appear.
No and no. The human body is a closed environment. Besides our own thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires, only the Universal Intelligence and our guide can affect our energy. This may be hard to believe, but what this really means is that we are safe and protected.
Thoughts we have and emotions we feel in someone else’s presence are not caused by them. We can be afraid of others, or angry with them, but these thoughts and feelings come from within ourselves. Blaming the mere presence of someone else for making us feel bad or weak, angry or afraid - or even happy - can make us into a victim.
Giving so much power to another can only lead to negative life experiences, yet we do it all the time. Whenever we blame someone for our having a bad day, we are holding onto negative thoughts about them. If we praise someone because we are having a great day, we have given away our ability to feel good within ourselves.
No matter what is happening around us, we need to take responsibility for ourselves and recognize that we are in charge of our thoughts, attitudes and emotions.
Since the human body is a closed environment and only the Universal Intelligence (and our own thoughts) can affect our energy, it follows that if we receive an energy treatment from someone, it is not their energy being used. They are simply the middle man between the Universe and us. The Universe complies with their desire to be of service, and with our desire to receive assistance. If the healer believes that a certain level of energy is required, that is what the Universe will send - whether or not it is the correct amount and whether or not it is beneficial (see free will).
This is a biblical reference to some humans. It infers that some of us (Sons of Light - the good ones) come from God, while the rest of us (Sons of Darkness - the bad ones) come from Evil. The newer understanding is that this is a reference to human behaviours, and not to our actual nature. In Truth, we are all children of the Universal Intelligence; within each of us is the capacity for great good (light) and great evil (darkness). Because of free will, we can, each of us, choose to behave well or poorly, given the circumstances of the moment.
Maybe. Matters of birth and rebirth into human form are in God's hands. If the Universal Intelligence sends the souls who were Mary, Jesus and the disciples back into human form during this time in history, either as males or females, they will each live life and learn lessons. When the time is right for each of them, they will be presented with the choice to do what God asks of them. The choice will be theirs to make, for God does not force anyone with free will to do anything. Others will also be called who may or may not have served in a similar way in previous lifetimes. Each may choose to serve - or not.
It is fairly well-known that 2,000 years ago, Jesus surrendered his free will to God. In all likelihood, some or all of the disciples made the same commitment. If they did, and if they were given a similar choice in this time period, it may well strike a chord within them that would inspire them to choose to serve once again. See Section 11.
End Times (or End of Days) refers to prophesies of a time of God’s judgment of humans following a period of wars, famine, pestilence, terrorism; a time of utter despair. Many believe that we are living in those times, and current events suggest that this is so.
Punishment from God? God, the Universal Intelligence, is energy - vastly intelligent, creative, responsive energy. This energy registers in us as unconditional love. We are emanations of it. As unconditional love, the Universal Intelligence does not, in fact cannot, judge, criticise or condemn us. Therefore there will be no punishment from God. In fact, it is God’s divine representatives who will intervene to prevent the earth and its inhabitants from being utterly destroyed.
Punishment from the devil? Will it be the devil who unleashes the horrific things predicted for us? No, because there is no such thing as the devil. What there are though, are human negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires. No one and nothing except ourselves makes us do the things we do - we have free will, and nothing is stronger than that. We cannot blame anyone else - including the devil - for the events that are unfolding, because they arise from our choices. There will be no punishment from the devil.
Haiku 5-7-5: End times Living in end times? Don't run for the hills just yet, big changes coming
Tumultuous change for humanity? Besides describing physical events, some prophecies state that the next step in human evolution will occur during the end times. Many have proposed the idea that technology will change us by giving us greater mental and physical capacity and abilities; others suggest that a saviour will come and magically transform us. I believe though that the next step in human evolution will result from the refinement of our negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions. Needless to say, this will not be a fast or easy process. The transformation will be gradual, but its onset will be triggered by a single event.
We are effectively lost in the playground that is Planet Earth, having forgotten our true nature. The transformation will be our journey back toward oneness of purpose with Unconditional Love.
Disasters of all sorts have taken thousands of lives for thousands of years, yet we continue to be surprised. Are there more disasters occurring now though? Well, there are more people alive now than ever in this current life cycle on earth, so yes. However, the real tragedy continues to be that people fail to heed warnings. We may never know how many premature deaths might be prevented were people paying attention to their inner voice telling them to run away, or stay home from work, or take a different route to the store, or whatever. We may never know how many lives and how much developed property might be spared if we asked for (and followed) Universal guidance about the best place to buy or build.
So why do we not just pay attention to our inner voice? Our lives would be so much easier! We learn to distrust it though, or we assume it is just our own thoughts, or we decide on a course of action without seeking guidance. These are all choices, and each is made with our very own free will. It is ironic, because by not using it, we run the risk of becoming victims of circumstances seemingly beyond our control. Victims appear to have mysteriously lost their free will, yet it is free will that gets us into situations that we could not have foreseen or about which we were warned but chose to ignore.
Terrorism and violence have existed - in one form or another - as long as humans have existed, and will continue to exist so long as we choose to strike out physically instead of communicating with one another. One has only to look at the many billions of dollars being spent by countries around the world on protection against invasion of any sort, to see that we humans have a tremendous fear of being attacked without warning. That fear also manifests in illness and injury-causing accidents.
So long as we hold onto grudges against those who have harmed either us or our loved ones, so long as we feel the need for revenge, so long as we feel the need to control others, terrorism and violence will continue to exist. These horrors are not caused by the devil - they are caused by our own negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions. That means that we have the power, indeed the responsibility, to change the world.
Praying or meditating for world peace is pointless, so long as violence is a viable option to meaningful communication. Society will only change once violence has been outlawed. So how do we change? Click here to get started. Check out What is legacy resentment?
Human behaviour is complex. It happens as a result of our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, belief systems and desires, so it follows that we can improve our behaviour by changing them - via the process of spiritual decluttering.
Our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, behaviours, belief systems and desires form our spiritual diet. They are what we feed ourselves throughout our life's journey. Paying attention to our thoughts enables us to find the hidden meanings wrapped inside our everyday experiences, which in turn enables us to identify those needing refinement.
Who, me? Negative? It is easy to just deny that we ever have negative thoughts and be done with it - we blame someone or something other than ourselves for our predicaments and continue on as we always have. It is not so much that we intend to have negative thoughts though; they just seem to happen, almost like a reflex. These habitual thought patterns easily slip by unnoticed. Constant repetition of such negative messages can only harm us, yet we say them to ourselves (and others) day in and day out. It's not that we are "bad" for having negative thoughts; rather, it is up to us to recognize and change them.
We all think, all the time Our thoughts, attitudes and emotions (either positive or negative) are the great equalizer, for we all have them - no matter who we are, or where we live, or what we do for a living. Many people become frustrated when they make repeated attempts to change their physical appearance or surroundings so that they will feel better, and then find that nothing really changed. To truly change our lives requires changing our thoughts. In other words, we need to improve our spiritual diet. We need to search for Universal Truth and full understanding about our thoughts, attitudes and emotions, and about our own part in our experiences.
The reward - clarity of thought - will make our efforts worthwhile, because then we may gain a sense of our soul’s purpose in being alive on Planet Earth at this particular point in human history - and then the real work begins.
It is the withholding of communication from someone as a punishment for a wrong-doing. It occurs as a result of our judgment (you did something I did not like), criticism (it was a mistake) and condemnation (your punishment is that I will not talk to you for an unspecified length of time, or until you grovel). It is a passive/aggressive form of bullying. It is a punishment for going against our will, and the hope is to manipulate the wrongdoer into begging forgiveness and never again daring to challenge us. Other such punishments can include physical abandonment, isolation, rejection.
Note: My Mom taught me how horrible it feels to be punished with the silent, or “cold shoulder”, treatment. She would use it on anyone who dared displease her, including me. Can you imagine my shock (and shame) when I realized that I was doing the exact same thing? I had sworn as a child that I would *never* do that, but there you go; that’s how powerful our childhood learning can be... we learn by what we see and experience, more than by what we are told. Course, recognition of the problem was just my first step on the long road toward changing the pattern.
Change the pattern If we are doing it: STOP! Only communication can resolve differences, and only communication can resolve differences, leading to growth and understanding. Refusing to speak freezes a relationship and can create resentment. Additionally, if we withhold communication from people, then we are likely to withhold it from our guide too. This can make it even more difficult to learn new information about ourselves If it is being done to us: STOP allowing it! Responding in the same old way gives them what they want, which is to be in control. Do the Self-esteem exercise
It does not matter how good a job we do - some people will never let us know that they like or approve of our efforts. There is always a comment to let us know we failed to do well enough. While they may like to think that they are helping us to become better, the behaviour can actually undermine any desire we might have to improve, since we know that they will really never be happy no matter what we do. For these people, nothing they experience ever meets - nor can ever meet - their expectations or desires
Spiritual effects Living in a nearly constant state of unhappiness, disappointment and frustration, always wondering why no one ever does anything right - except for self of course. For those on the receiving end of this behaviour, there can be very low self-esteem and chronic under-performance, along with a constant feeling of inferiority.
Change the pattern If we are doing it: STOP! We are hurting others, but just as importantly, we are hurting ourselves. Meditate to learn the real reason for our perfectionism If it is being done to us: STOP allowing it! We can change our need to receive others' approval. Far better to do our best, without expectation of thanks or recognition from others. Meditate to learn the real reason for needing others' approval. Do the Self-esteem exercise
People with low self-esteem often appreciate seeing others placed at a disadvantage. Somehow they feel better about themselves, thinking that they alone know what is happening. This is a form of passive/aggressivebullying with only one desired outcome: to make someone feel inferior. Funny? Not really.
Change the pattern If we are doing it: Our self-esteem may need some positive boosting. Do the Self-esteem exercise If it is being done to us: We may have a victim mentality. Meditate to discover the root cause, for only then can we change the pattern
We perform superstitious rituals to influence the gods to either give us that which we want or to protect us from that which we do not want. We also fear certain things in the belief that they may cause something bad to happen, even though we may know within ourselves that it is silly to do so. The Universal Intelligence neither punishes nor rewards us - it simply allows there to be consequences for our thoughts and desires. Feeling a need to be punished can actually create accidents, injuries or losses.
Spiritual effects For some, the rituals can become obsessive/compulsive behaviours, even making it impossible to get through the day without performing the rituals
Change the pattern Meditate to identify and resolve the root cause(s) of needing to be punished
This behaviour results from having very low or unstable self-esteem, such that the thought of someone else receiving appreciation or recognition for any reason is terrifying and/or sickening and/or infuriating. Can result from our caregivers behaving this way, or from their withholding approval from us.
Spiritual effects The lack of self-worth is such that that we hardly even know that we are doing it - yet we HATE it if someone steals our credit (a sure sign that there is a problem!)
Physical effects The craving for positive attention is a form of addiction that compels people to do whatever they can to gain it - even if it means cheating, or that those who have really did the work will go without acknowledgement
Change the pattern Until we recognize that there is a problem, there is not much that can be done to change it. However, this inner child issue can be identified and resolved through practicing meditation in the new way. Do the Self-esteem exercise
If they like the product, they will steal credit for it. If the work threatens their position though, they may pretend to like something about it to make their critical opinion seem more valid. What they really want is for others to believe that they are the expert. This compels them to find fault, but all they really accomplish is to show their own unresolved issue(s)
Spiritual effects Lack of self-worth makes us desperate for others’ approval
Physical effects Craving others’ approval is a form of addiction that compels us to do whatever we can to gain it
Change the pattern Until we recognize that there is a problem, there is not much that can be done to change it. However, this inner child issue can be identified and resolved through practicing meditation in the new way. Do the Self-esteem exercise.
There are as many reasons for lying as there are people. Here are just a few though:
What are the long-term effects of chronic lying? Lying can be addictive, since it can give one a false sense of power and control. We can become unable to function without lying. It can become pathological, such that we feel compelled to weave a web of lies around a tiny kernel of truth in any conversation. This keeps everyone wondering and guessing, so that we ALWAYS remain in control and at top-of-mind.
Habitual lying can become Pseudo Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy. This condition can appear in pathological liars who make up lies about their loved ones, sometimes claiming that one of them has been hospitalized or has even died. Why? To play on people's gullibility and sympathy, in the hopes of being excused from their obligations and responsibilities, because after all, they have to attend a FUNERAL!
Feeling tired or listless or just generally unwell for no apparent reason is a signal from the Universal Intelligence (via our guide) to let us know that we have an unresolved issue(s). We usually know what the issue is, and we usually know what we need to do about it; the problem is that we are unable or unwilling to do what is needed, and so we continue to avoid it. This is the time to seek information from our guide about other possible options than the one we are resisting. Practice meditation in the new way.
This is the pattern of a family or group of people holding onto guilt over actions taken (or not taken) by their ancestors, handed down through the generations. Like low self-esteem, legacy guilt can make us believe that we have no right to expect to be treated well or fairly or as equals. It is imbued in our offspring just as surely as genetic traits like hair or eye colour. The pattern can create a co-dependent relationship between the offenders’ offspring and those of their victims, such that neither side is seemingly able or willing to let go of their position. The hurt, the offence, becomes their identity - for both sides.
We need look no further than Canada’s horrific treatment of Indigenous peoples over hundreds of years, to see this playing out in current times. The government - the perpetrator - is seemingly unable to get rid of its burden of guilt; the Indigenous peoples - the victims - are seemingly unable to stop needing to be appeased.
It can become a perverse point of honour to hold onto legacy guilt, and an addiction to holding onto feeling victimized. Each succeeding generation sentences its children to a burden that is not theirs to carry. Each new generation’s family or group members may experience group karma as a result.
Programming an innocent child to feel guilt and shame for an ancestor’s actions can also create feelings of frustration, anger and resentment for the child; after all, this child did not commit the act. Such feelings can, if unchecked, cause us to behave like a powerless victim, or at the other extreme, as an aggressive bully.
Releasing the destructive pattern of legacy guilt can be challenging, but it is not impossible. We can make meaningful reparations (visit Wikipedia and check out Reparations (transitional justice), and we can forgive all concerned, but bravery is also needed. Bravery, because being the only person in our group to disagree with the way things are done risks our being isolated or abandoned. See fear of change, status quo bias
World peace? Not likely, so long as people are unwilling to release legacy resentment. This is a pattern of holding onto resentment over issues that began with long-dead family members in the distant past and then handed down through the generations. It becomes a perverse point of honour to hold onto it; it taints each succeeding generation and sentences the descendants to a burden that is not theirs to carry.
Real-life example The province in which I live has set aside one day each year to honour one of the key people responsible for bringing about the confederation of Canada, Louis Riel. Of course at that time, around 1870 AD, there were those who fought against the principles for which this man stood - equality and justice for all. They felt that the indigenous and mixed race inhabitants should be subjugated, banished, or killed, and their lands taken for future sale to the newly arriving immigrants.
Honoring this man was a contentious and controversial decision, but it was taken, and the first annual Louis Riel Day was held in 2008.
Recently someone made a public comment about the holiday: Since her great, great grandfather was married to a woman whose father fought against the so-called rebels, this person and her family do not celebrate the holiday as a matter of "honour". In other words, not only was this not her personal grievance; it was not her father’s, nor her grandfather’s or great grandfather’s, nor even her great, great grandfather’s. It may not even have been her great, great grandfather’s wife’s personal grievance, yet this entire family is holding onto this grudge. Their reasons for doing so are unknown to me, but I can tell you that this is one of the reasons for the deep, wide rift between the peoples of this province. Those on each side of the rift continue to resent those on the other and all feel fully justified in doing so.
Releasing the destructive pattern of legacy resentment can be challenging, but it is not impossible. It requires finding forgiveness for all concerned, and it requires something even more - bravery. Bravery, because being the only person in our group to disagree with the way things are done risks our being isolated or abandoned. See fear of change, status quo bias
Gift giving can be a wonderful expression of affection and appreciation; it stops being wonderful when it starts creating undue stress and financial burden, or when it is used to alleviate guilt. It is important to understand our motives for giving gifts, and especially, for wanting to give lavish gifts.
Why do we do it? Besides the obvious reasons for giving gifts, guilt can be a powerful motivator, especially when giving lavish gifts. We usually know if we have treated someone unfairly or unkindly, and it is our victims to whom we feel most obligated. We run the risk then of using gift-giving as a way of buying permission to continue behaving poorly. If we have to give a gift to show that we are really sorry, or that we really do care, then we need to understand why we are relying upon material items rather than on our own words or deeds.
A better way Far better to show in everyday experiences how we feel about our loved ones. Give them positive attention and feedback, help them to live with joy; let them know they are loved unconditionally. Rather than giving gifts to assuage guilt, consider making donations (of money, food, toys, toiletries, etc.) to a local charity of choice.
Why does time seem to speed up as we get older? For the most part, the speed of time is constant when we are in human form on planet earth. So why is it that when we are young, one minute can seem like an hour, yet when we are older, an hour can seem like a minute, or even a second?
To try to shed some light on this common experience, let us compare drivers of automobiles to humans walking their life path. Like drivers in normal road conditions with many points of reference guiding them as to their rate of speed, young children have many visible points of reference to provide them with a sense of the passage of time. Children tend to notice everything because it is all new; we are learning Everything. Almost every moment is full of new information and every experience new and exciting, so there are many points of reference.
Drivers in whiteout conditions often speed up - unwittingly - because there are no visible points of reference; there is nothing to be seen except white, to tell us how fast we are moving. We speed up in an effort to find points of reference. As we age, we become more like drivers in whiteout conditions. Because exciting or new experiences occur less often, there are gradually fewer and fewer points of reference: we increasingly lose sense of the present moment and every moment almost seems to blend into one long moment - like whiteout conditions on the road. Unceasing repetition of the same old experiences lulls us into an almost hypnotized state of being.
We can get so caught up in the search for new points of reference that we unconsciously ‘speed up’, thereby losing our innate ability to live in the moment. Inevitably, our search for points of reference takes us into the realm of worry.
Spiritual aspect of time This is the duration of a soul's journey away from, and back to, Source. When in physical form, time is experience / perception-based and can seem to be elastic, depending on our location and activity. If you have ever watched and waited for a kettle to boil, you know this well.
To the Universal Intelligence, time is both elastic and non-elastic; it is both eternal, and yet a brief flash of existence. While we measure time based on duration of events and the intervals between them, the Universal Intelligence sees time more as the duration of its creations and the intervals between creation of new universes.
One more thing... while scientists agree that nothing travels faster than the speed of light, there is actually one exception: thought. Thought travels instantaneously. Our guides hear all of our thoughts, even if they are millions of light years distant from us.
Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves so that we can leave the past in the past, and so that our spiritual and emotional wounds can heal. It is a behavioural pattern that becomes stronger with practice. We can choose whether to forgive or resent those who have hurt us. Even if no one ever taught us how to forgive, it is not too late to build it into our lives. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the offender, and everything to do with us. We can forgive others without their knowing that they hurt us, just as easily as we can resent them without their knowledge.
Forgiveness seeks understanding about why our painful life experiences happened. We can forgive without that information, but knowing why something happened or why someone hurt us, can make it a lot easier. Assuming that we already understand (saying for example “I just know they did what they did to hurt me”) makes us hold onto grief, guilt, hatred, resentment, shame, or even the desire for revenge. We can begin to end this grief and pain by journaling our feelings of anger or disappointment. This validates our emotions and helps us release both the offender and the experience. Check out the Forgiveness exercises
There is strength in our differences, yet we cannot seem to accept that it is okay for people to have different beliefs. Do we think that we are weakened by diversity? Do we believe that God will punish any who stray from (sometimes) centuries-old teachings? Do we think that it is up to us, the 'righteous' ones, to attack anyone with a different opinion? All in defense of God’s cruel, vindictive nature, of course.
The Universal Intelligence has no ego to bruise, no axe to grind. There are as many ways to have a relationship with God as there are his children, and certainly no need for everyone’s life choices to be the same. As God’s children, we have been given the gift of free will. We can choose to do as we please, or we can choose to do as God asks. It is not sin and there is no punishment if we choose the former, because the spiritual law of free will mandates us to do just that: make choices. There may be negative outcomes if we choose to do what we want, but they do not result because God is punishing us - they result because we do not always know what is best for us and sometimes, we make lousy choices.
How long will we continue to judge, criticise and condemn, sometimes to execution, anyone with different beliefs than ours? It is beyond unreasonable to think for a moment that God wants any of his children to kill any of his other children. God will continue to exist, no matter what we do. Our soul will continue to exist, no matter what we do. God will continue to love his children, all of us, unconditionally, no matter what we do. We will all return to him eventually, to share our vast lifetimes of experiences with him. After all, that is our purpose … that is why this particular reality has been created.
Wherever there is revolution there has been oppression: oppression literally breeds revolution. Revolution erupts because people dislike being told what they may or may not do and then suffering punishment if they happen to disagree with those in power. We all dislike being controlled, and that is the key spiritual component of revolution: feeling that our free will has been stolen, and then taking action, at any cost, to take it back. Humanity runs the constant risk of greedy, power-hungry, narcissistic psychopathic personalities taking complete control over their particular sphere of influence. They are clever, they are determined, and they simply will not stop until someone with even more determination and power makes them stop.
As above, so below: As with nations, so with individuals The pattern starts in families and extends to neighbourhoods, cities, and, finally, to nations. Time and time again, children who are abused, or who are treated as poor, defenseless victims, have grown up to think that the world owes them a living. As adults, these people go out into society where they bully others, commit crimes and become despots and dictators. Millions have died because no one stood up to these people before they arose to a position of real power. We take the path of least resistance in the hope that someone stronger, or braver, than us will stop them. The only way to stop their quest for dictatorial power is to provide children with the tools they need to live as respected, respectful, contributing members of society. This may be just a dream today, but one day it will be a reality.
There are at least two sides to every political issue; each party thinks that it their view is correct and the other either wrong or maybe even evil. Our greed for more power, money and prestige has created an atmosphere in which it has become acceptable to behave like little children who have not yet learned self-control.
More and more often, election campaigns are being won by one side employing disturbing tactics. It goes a little something like this: One party's candidate refuses to allow the other to speak during a debate. She/he does not allow the other to be right. She/he interrupts to prevent any question being asked that might open the door to finding truth. She/he refuses to back down in the face of truth. She/he refuses to apologize for errors, and absolutely will not admit to having outright lied about something. She/he insults, insinuates and generally disparages the opponent at every opportunity. She/he accuses the opponent of lying, not necessarily because they have, but so that the observer’s attention is diverted/deflected away from the matter at hand, or to sow seeds of doubt about the opposing candidate.
This sort of behaviour changes a debate into gainsaying (yes you did / no I did not). It is designed to shut down any meaningful dialogue by fueling rage, or to make the audience turn away in pure frustration. The practice spreads untruth, discontent and outright fury, and is a disservice to society and the democratic process. It is rude and arrogant, and shamefullymanipulative. The sad part is that we are tricked by such behaviour. We cast our vote for, and then flock to, the “winners” in the hope/wish/belief that they are behaving this way in order to serve us.
Will we ever learn? Now, not all campaign candidates employ these tactics, but those who do may well not have the best interests of society at heart. While they can appear to for a time, eventually their true self-serving interests become clear. Society is then left to pick up the pieces and pay their bills. Hopefully we all will learn to identify those who aim to serve self at the expense of others before electing them. We have to be wary and watchful though, because it is very easy to get sucked into their spin. Check out Lie detector, a TED Talks presentation by Pamela Meyer.
We must not give in to hatred, even though giving in is easier than seeking to understand terrorists' motives for committing hateful acts. We must not use fear as an excuse to hate those who are different. We must work to change the conditions that allow poverty and prejudice, inequality and injustice to exist in our corner of the world. We must be willing to defend our way of life, yet we cannot sink to barbarism when meting out justice; doing so only perpetuates the cycle of karmic debt. Far better to employ Restorative Justice.
No, not directly. Since our thoughts create our emotions, seeing the moon in a certain phase might trigger certain thoughts, and it is these that can trigger certain emotions.
Much of the turmoil in our lives results from our behaviours, which in turn result from our thoughts, which - although without physical form - can seem to be made from concrete. Profound change requires paying close attention to our thoughts and learning their source. We need to break them down into the smallest bits and bytes possible. This can be achieved by including focused, purposeful meditation in our daily lives.
This term describes people who are always right - at least in their opinion. They present themselves as an expert at everything, and cannot admit that they do not already know something. They need to be right and in control, and feel criticised if someone has a better answer, suggestion or solution than theirs, which can trigger obsessive/compulsive behaviours, depression or temper tantrums. See narcissism, perfectionism, stilted speech
This pattern is an actual thing. It starts when we fail to rid ourselves of the pain of our traumatic experiences. It then spreads like an oil spill, seeping into every aspect of our lives. The legacy part is that our thought patterns, even such as these, are handed down from generation to generation. Is it any wonder that so many families are in anguish?
Do you feel like you are from another planet besides Earth? Do you laugh about it, or minimize the importance of that intuition? Given that we souls are billions of years old, doesn't it make sense that we would have entered physical form innumerable times before ever coming to Planet Earth? After all, the universe is approximately 14 billion years old, while earth is a mere 4.5. In all likelihood, we have ALL lived on other planets besides Earth. This might help to explain some of the difficulties we face here. Check out tolerance
A legacy family pattern is one that repeats throughout the life span of the family. It could last hundreds or even thousands of years. Some of these patterns are beneficial to the family while others are not. The ones that are not can take many forms, but the one that we will look at here affects the overall mental, spiritual and physical health of family members. See Why do we get sick ...?) and Scientists Show Transmission of Epigenetic Memory Across Multiple Generations (
Example At the spiritual root core of Huntington's disease lie five key thought patterns that contribute to a number of negative thoughts and behaviours, which in turn contribute to degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. The fact that it is an inherited condition helps to explain why this is called a legacy family pattern.
Negative thought patterns cannot help but change the brain, and literally everybody has negative thought patterns. So what's so different about this condition? Together, these five thought patterns are as potent as a chemical compound. Together, their individual vibrational frequencies damage and deteriorate the brain's nerve cells.
If we could go back in time to the first instance of it in the family (could have been hundreds or even thousands of years ago), we would find a person who displayed the key patterns of Huntington's... control, greed, lying, revenge and spite. That person lived these patterns to the extreme, creating ill will and distrust in whosoever she or he met. Somehow the person managed to have a child, and this child took on that parent's thought patterns. (Big challenge for children to resist the urge to seek a parent's approval by mimicking them!) By the third or fourth generation, the pattern had manifested in physical as Huntington's. There was no longer any choice for children with the faulty gene as to whether to act out like the affected parent. If they had the gene, sooner or later the condition would present. Eventually, they would default to that parent's behaviours as a way to deal with life.
Some souls choose to enter such a family to ‘learn their way out’ so to speak, so that the family can be freed of this devastating condition. Some may have succeeded while many others may not, but until someone actually undertakes the research, well, we are not likely to know. The Universe says that our genes are dynamic, and that our thought patterns modify them throughout our lives. It is entirely possible that, if someone with the affected gene were to start at an early enough age to learn about human thought patterns and their potential effects, they may well be able to avoid developing the disease.
We can live in hope of brighter days for the many families affected by Huntington's. Hooray for science for giving us so much hope. Hooray for the Universe for providing such profound information.
Estimates published by WHO indicate that globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime (from Mar 25, 2024).
Tragic numbers, but numbers do not, and cannot, tell the real story of pain and anguish suffered by victims of sexual assault. Needless to say, for the rapist, rape is not about the sex... it is about power and control. Predators have their own issues with which to deal, and I won't address those here.
For the victim, there can be a few contributing spiritual factors leading to their assault. In the possibilities below, the person's potential lack of agency or self-esteem, their craving for loving attention and wishing to be singled out as being 'special', contribute to their being identified by a predator as a viable target.
Many children grow up without a loving, supportive or attentive father (in female cases) or mother (in male cases). This leaves them vulnerable to predators, whether male or female, who can, and do, readily identify such potential victims
Many parents fail to teach their children about sex, or about predators, and cross their fingers in hopes that their child will somehow miraculously escape becoming a victim of a sexual crime
Many children grow up in abusive homes and are not entitled a voice, are not treated with dignity or respect, and might even suffer sexual abuse or violence at home. How could such a person grow up and not expect to continue to experience abuse?
Another possibility is that being a victim of sexual assault or rape is a required karmic lesson. Not necessarily that the victim raped someone in a prior incarnation, but possibly someone they knew of experienced rape, and the individual had not even an ounce of compassion or caring. How better to learn compassion, than to experience trauma?
Yet another possibility is that the victim suffered the same trauma in a prior incarnation and was unable to resolve the issue from a place of unconditional love, and with forgiveness both for self and the offender.
There are many other possibilities of course... life is far too complicated to be able to narrow down every possible contributing factor. The challenge is to recall the circumstances of our personal experiences and then resolve our spiritual reactions to them.
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