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Childhood traumaAll in the Family - a CBC Radio production about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's)
"Cardio-vascular disease. Obesity. Alcoholism. Diabetes. These conditions may have one surprising factor in common: childhood trauma -- according to a massive study called "Adverse Childhood Experiences", or ACE... " Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Childhood abuse linked to higher risk for high cholesterol as an adult in new research - SciTech Daily
"A new study discovered that risk factors for heart disease and stroke were higher among adults who said they experienced childhood abuse and varied by gender and race. However, those who described their family life as well-managed and had family members involved in their lives during childhood were less likely to have increased cardiovascular risk factors as adults, according to new research published today (April 27, 2022) in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access, peer-reviewed journal of the American Heart Association."

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime - a TEDMED Talks presentation by Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris
"Nadine Burke Harris reveals a little-understood, yet universal factor in childhood that can profoundly impact adult-onset disease."

New Research Reveals That Trauma Can Get “Under the Skin,” Weakening Your Muscles As You Age
"A study from the University of Michigan has shown that traumatic experiences during childhood may get “under the skin” later in life, impairing the muscle function of people as they age."

Strict Parenting May Hardwire Depression Into a Child’s DNA - SciTech Daily
"The way the body reads the children’s DNA might change as a result of strict parenting. These alterations may become ‘hard-wired’ into the DNA of children who perceive their parents to be harsh, raising their biological risk for depression in adolescence and later life."
ConfidenceThe power of confidence - a TED Talks presentation by Brittany Packnett Cunningham
"Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows," says educator and activist Brittany Packnett. In an inspiring talk, she shares three ways to crack the code of confidence -- and her dream for a world where revolutionary confidence helps turn our most ambitious dreams into reality."
DietFood allergy or food intolerance? What Is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? - SciTech Daily"
"Many people confuse food allergies and food intolerances, but they’re two different things. Understanding the difference is important if you experience allergy-like symptoms after eating certain foods."
Discrimination A Class Divided - a PBS Frontline presentation
"The day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, a teacher in a small town in Iowa tried a daring classroom experiment. She decided to treat children with blue eyes as superior to children with brown eyes. FRONTLINE explores what those children learned about discrimination and how it still affects them today."
Genes Genetic scars - a CBC News | Health presentation
"Your life is leaving genetic scars that might show up in your child's genes: Growing evidence that life experience can be passed genetically from one generation to the next"

Scientists show transmission of epigenetic memory across multiple generations - SciTech Daily
"Changing the epigenetic marks on chromosomes results in altered gene expression in offspring and in grand-offspring, demonstrating ‘trans-generational epigenetic inheritance.' "
Human behaviourJustice
Restorative Justice - Wikipedia
"Restorative justice is an approach to justice in which the response to a crime is to organize a facilitated dialogue or meeting between the parties involved, including the victim and the offender, and sometimes with representatives of a wider community present as well. The goal is for the parties to share their experience of what happened, to discuss who was harmed by the crime and how, and to create a consensus for what the responsible party will do to repair the harm from the offense. This may include monetary restitution given from the offender to the victim, apologies and other amends, and other actions to make things as right as possible for those affected and to prevent the offender from causing future harm."

Lie detector - a TED Talks presentation by Pamela Meyer
How to spot a liar: "Pamela Meyer thinks we’re facing a pandemic of deception, but she’s arming people with tools that can help take back the truth."

Why We Wait- The Science of Procrastination from SciTechDaily.com
"Study finds a lean toward negative attitude predicts procrastination.
Putting off a burdensome task may seem like a universal trait, but new research suggests that people whose negative attitudes tend to dictate their behavior in a range of situations are more likely to delay tackling the task at hand."
Music The melodies of matter - SciTech Daily
“A recent college graduate has used data sonification to convert the visible light emitted by elements in the periodic table into complex sounds, taking the first step towards an interactive, musical periodic table...”

Music suggestions for Going Home
Sonifications - NASA
“Ever wondered what the music of the spheres would sound like? Hubble brings us cosmic sights, but these astronomical marvels can be experienced with other senses as well. Through data sonification, the same digital data that gets translated into images is transformed into sound.”
Plants Hidden plant SOS - SciTech Daily
“Global breakthrough: for the first time in the world, researchers at Tel Aviv University recorded and analyzed sounds distinctly emitted by plants...”

Indigenous stories lead scientist to discover that plants can hear - a CBC Radio production
"Do you talk to your plants? Well, science suggests they might be able to hear you. An Australian scientist was inspired by stories from Indigenous people around the world about how they communicate with plants."

Smarty Plants... Youtube
"Is it possible that plants are smarter than we think? They are among the world's oldest and most successful organisms and represent some of the strangest and longest living life forms on the planet. Stunningly diverse, plants have served us in many critical ways, from providing food, shelter and clothing to life-saving medicine. And yet we know very little about them.

"A luscious exploration of the natural world, Smarty Plants effortlessly integrates pioneering science with a light hearted look at how plants behave, revealing a world where plants are as busy, responsive and complex as we are. From the stunning heights of Utah's Great Basin Desert to the rainforests of Canada's west coast, Smarty Plants follows lead scientist and ecologist JC Cahill as he treks the green world and discovers that plants are a lot more like animals than we ever imagined. The world he reveals is one where plants eavesdrop on each other, talk to their enemies, call in insect allies to fight those enemies, recognize their relatives and nurture their young." (description from DocuWiki)
SleepHow to Get Quality Sleep - WikiHow
"The quality of your sleep is just as important as the quantity. Getting the right number of hours every night is unlikely to benefit you if you are frequently waking up, if you sleep at wildly different times, or if you sleep shallowly. Alcohol, caffeine, light, noise, and worry can all interfere with the quality of your sleep. To get quality rest, you'll want to improve your sleep hygiene — different practices and habits that ensure you get the most our of your sleep, such as setting a sleep schedule that works with your body's natural rhythms. Eliminate stressors and distractions, and establish a comforting bedtime routine."

Why do I wake up at 3 a.m. every night?-CNN
"... Now wide awake from a once peaceful slumber, you roll over to check the clock and find it’s 3 a.m. That’s the same time you woke up last night. And the night before.

If that sounds familiar, it’s because nocturnal awakenings happen to a lot of people. Waking up several times throughout the night is a natural occurrence often due to sleep architecture, which are the stages of sleep that one cycles through every night.

These awakenings usually only last for anywhere from a few seconds up to a few minutes — if they happen too frequently in one night or there are disruptions to falling back asleep, that could be a problem. Here’s what experts say could help. ..."
Speech(Babbling friend?) 3 Ways to Be Friends With Someone Who Talks Too Much - WikiHow
"If you have a chatty friend, you may notice yourself making statements like “Yea, but what I was trying to say earlier was…” quite often. This person may totally dominate your conversations and make it impossible to get a word in edgewise. A friend who talks too much can be a handful. But, you can learn to manage their chattiness, by using strategies to limit their talking and give yourself the opportunity to participate. In addition, it may be useful to tell your friend about their problem and set boundaries if they are not willing to change."
Thoughts A deaf and blind mind- What it's like to have no visual imagination and no inner voice - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation
"Analysis: Can you imagine seeing things in your mind? Can you hear an inner voice when you think or read? If not, you might have "deep aphantasia"..."

Does everyone have an inner monologue? - Live Science
"Some people process thoughts and feelings differently. The "little voice in your head" can be your worst critic and greatest supporter. It's been known to help with directions, give advice, rehearse tough conversations and even remind you to put pesto on the grocery list. ..."

Is it a spiritual experience or mental illness? - A CBC Radio presentation
"Shawn Lucas calls it a transcendental assessment tool. Lucas is the manager of Spiritual Care at CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. The new comparison tool is designed to help clinicians answer a difficult question: What is a spiritual experience … and what's mental illness? "We're hoping this tool will help … to differentiate between what is a delusion as part of psychosis and what might also be part of a transcendent experience, or what William James called a mystical experience." - Shawn Lucas, manager of Spiritual Care at Toronto's CAMH"

“Scientists Discover Connection Between Lack of Visual Imagination and Long-Term Memory”
"When people lack visual imagination, this is known as aphantasia. Researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), the University of Bonn, and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) investigated how the lack of mental imagery affects long-term memory..."
Time How long is the present? - SciTech Daily
“How long is the present? The answer, Cornell researchers suggest in a new study, depends on your heart...”
WikiHow Find out how to do almost anything

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© Copyright: Sheila A. McBeath 1999
ISBN  978-1-7753521-2-9
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