Walking the path
Walking the path of spiritual development is similar to climbing a ladder, the rungs of which are the chakras. Free will factors into our progression, since we choose whether and when to ascend. As we climb, we become more spiritually aware and able to feel greater peace, joy and unconditional love. Our physical needs come to feel less important. Time takes on new meaning as we gain understanding of the roles we have played in human history throughout our many incarnations.
No one can push us up a ladder; we must climb willingly. Progression does not happen just because we desire it, or because we think we are ready for it. Rather, it is achieved gradually. We grow into more profound awareness by becoming adept at hearing our thoughts, as we think them. This helps us to reduce and refine our negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires. This website has set out the procedures - the path - for doing so.
Figure 22: No one can push us up a ladder; we must climb willingly
What are the planes of existence?
The spiritual and physical planes of existence are different types of reality. As souls in physical form, we live in both the spiritual and physical planes; we are subject to the laws governing each.
The physical plane
Our body is physical; we experience space and time, have needs, and suffer the effects of aging.
The spiritual plane
Our soul is spirit; we have thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires which create our behavioural patterns.
The soul has only one escape route from the physical earth plane - death of the physical body. There is no escape from the spiritual plane though, since we are spirit. Spirit is our essential nature. We were created as emanations of spirit (Universal intelligence) to go forth and experience, and then, eventually, to return Home.
Characteristics of the dimensions of spiritual awareness
Just as there are dimensions of the physical plane of existence (space, time, etc.), so there are dimensions of the spiritual. There are (at least) eight dimensions of spiritual awareness which correspond with the chakras.
There are certain characteristics associated with the dimensions, or levels, of spiritual awareness. The characteristics indicate our focus of care and interest, as well as the level at which we currently reside. We tend to become more open-minded and tolerant and less self-serving as we learn to accept and embrace the spiritual aspect of life.
First, second and third dimensions
In the first, second and third dimensions of spiritual awareness, we have thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires; we accept them as the only reality.
Fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions
In the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions of spiritual awareness, we are awakening to the idea that our negative thoughts can be changed, that the behaviours created by them can be re-patterned, and that our physical condition is interwoven with our thoughts.
Seventh dimension
In the seventh dimension of spiritual awareness, we have very few negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires because they have been reduced and refined to the point that if they occur, they are recognized, understood and released almost instantly. Our negative behavioural patterns have been largely eradicated.
We are able to recognize old issues that may arise and we work diligently to understand them more fully. The Universe will use our past experiences to teach others, so we must be willing to share them. Doing so also helps to ease any physical signals our guides may have provided to draw our attention to the issue.
Brief instances of awareness of the Eighth dimension occur. You may find yourself wondering then, “What is this? What do I need to do to experience more of it?”
Eighth dimension
At humanity’s current stage of development, awareness of the Eighth dimension is possible to achieve only for fleeting moments during profoundly traumatic or joyous experiences. Maintaining it afterward is the challenge, due to our physical needs overtaking our conscious connection to Source. "I need" and "I want" trick us into thinking that our need or want is the only reality that counts. We get caught up in everyday concerns that take us out of observation mode.
Gradually working our way up to the eighth dimension of spiritual awareness though enables us to exist there - in observation mode - for gradually longer, more frequent, periods of time. This is a state in which we see what is happening around us without any thoughts of fixing or changing anyone or anything. We have become free of negative thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires, except in the case of extraordinary events in the physical plane. In such events, after observing, we seek, and follow, Universal guidance. Note that achieving this level of spiritual awareness is not a guarantee of freedom from future incarnations.
Developing the ability to maintain this state while going about the activities of daily life requires extreme dedication to building trust in, and obedience to, Universal guidance.
The journey
Doing the work described in this website has taught you how to work consciously with the Universal Intelligence. You will have brought positive change into your life and begun to sense your soul’s potential. You will have gained at least Fourth dimension awareness. Further work is needed to continue resolving inner conflicts at an ever-deeper level, and refining and reducing your thoughts. After all, we are complex creatures, so there is always another level of self-understanding to be gained.
It may be challenging to release certain old beliefs or inappropriate attitudes, but we cannot move forward until we do - we will remain at our particular level of development. It is when we are stuck that we crave change of almost any sort - a new job, or mate, or home, or furniture, or whatever. We know within ourselves that something is needed - we just cannot quite put a name to it. It is then that we are presented with opportunities to advance.
Of course there are benefits to doing this work. By the time we reach the Seventh level of spiritual awareness, our overall health improves and we become less needful of others’ attention and approval. We have a better understanding of our true purpose for incarnating in this particular lifetime. Past life issues affecting us in this lifetime can be recognized and resolved. Heightened spiritual awareness brings recognition of our desire, and even a sense of responsibility, to be of service to the Universal Intelligence.
Gaining increased awareness does not release us from either the spiritual or the physical laws. It does not give us free license to leave our body and go exploring the universe. It is not necessary to take an oath of poverty either to advance spiritually, or to receive guidance.
The chakras, cusps and transitions
Certain attitudes, beliefs, characteristics and traits are common to each chakra, and we can use this information to identify our current level of spiritual awareness. As we progress through each level, our thoughts are gradually reduced and refined. Some might call this a purification process. The process enables us to embrace concepts that are gradually more concerned with unconditional love, and less with earthly needs and wants.
The chakras are energetic expressions of our current spiritual / emotional / physical state, emitted at our personal vibrational frequency. Figure 23 below lists the dimensions of the spiritual plane and the chakras with which they correspond, the spiritual quality each reflects, a key word association and a physical representation, and the two cusps with a key word to describe them:
The chakras
Which chakra’s traits resonate most with you? Read through the descriptions of the chakras and cusps below. It is recommended to be familiar with your habitual thoughts and beliefs, and to have developed a solid working relationship with your guide. Only complete honesty will enable us to gain a clear understanding of self and of the changes that we need to make. Ask your guide for the Universe’s input, because it is very easy to have an unrealistic opinion of self, for better or for worse. We are who we are, and hiding from the truth only serves to keep us stuck.
Root chakra beliefs and traits (First level)
Sacral chakra beliefs and traits (Second level)
Solar plexus chakra beliefs and traits (Third level)
Heart chakra beliefs and traits (Fourth level)
Throat chakra beliefs and traits (Fifth level)
Brow chakra beliefs and traits (Sixth level)
Crown chakra beliefs and traits (Seventh level)
Zenith chakra beliefs and traits (Eighth level)
The cusps
The cusps are intervals in which the thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires of the previous levels are further refined and reduced before advancing. Our guide attunes our vibrational frequency to the new equilibriums accordingly.
First cusp (between Third and Fourth levels)
Second cusp (between Sixth and Seventh levels)
The transitions
As we progress through awareness of each level and each cusp, we find that transitions can be challenging and unpredictable; they can be painful, tumultuous, traumatic and exhilarating, all at the same time.
Transition to zenith dimension
“What, you ask,
was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself
for sheer delight of being
and plunged into numberless trillions of forms
so that it might find itself innumerably”
Sri Aurbindo
Freedom to choose
Every day, we make choices - dozens, or maybe even hundreds of them. We are free to choose what to think, feel, express, do, believe, and desire, without being judged, criticised, condemned or controlled by the Universe or our guide. There is a cost for making all these decisions though. Every moment not spent pondering options, is a missed opportunity to seek guidance. Are we making the best choice possible? Are we aware of all of the options open to us, and have we considered each of them? Have we pondered their potential outcomes? We may not be able to recognize all of the options, but the Universe does. Our guide knows exactly what we need to be doing, and when and where we need to be in any given moment. We spend our lives making best guesses and often end up in serious trouble because of unforeseen outcomes. Our lives could be so much simpler, were we to seek, and follow, Universal guidance. Conditions for all life forms on planet earth, and even for the planet itself, could be vastly improved.
Surrendering free will
We have two options to consider after our thoughts have been reduced and refined and our behaviours re-patterned. We can choose to stay where we are, or we can choose to surrender our free will. Staying where we are means that we will be happy and healthy, and we will treat others as we would like to be treated. We will have a good working relationship with our guide and with the Universal Intelligence.
Surrendering free will initiates a whole new level of learning. It requires that we seek guidance from the Universal Intelligence via our guide when making decisions - any decisions. After we receive it, there is yet another choice to make: follow it, or do as we wish. After surrendering free will, each choice to do as we wish is considered to be “control”. The control is dealt with swiftly and appropriately, according to our current level of understanding, so as to enable us to remain true to our commitment.
We become accustomed to making snap decisions … what to wear, what to eat, which products to use, where to live, work and play - our choices are endless* . We make these decisions based on our life experiences, our beliefs and our desires. Take the example of choosing what to eat. We consider what we believe to be healthy, our desire (or lack thereof) to be healthy, whether we can afford to buy nutritious food, whether to allow ourselves the reward of eating well, or to punish ourselves by eating junk food or even withholding food entirely. All of these factors and more affect our decision. We have spent our lives making such decisions, so it takes time to unlearn the pattern of independence and replace it with seeking input from our guide. Complacency is an ever-present concern. If we slip into auto-pilot mode, we risk reverting to making snap decisions rather than seeking guidance. Our guide will step in and present us with a ‘wake-up’ challenge. Triggers will be presented to test us, in accordance with the spiritual Law of Free Will.
*My friend arrived home one day and debated where to park the car. A voice in her head said, “Let’s put it in the garage.” She considered for a moment and then decided to park on the front street instead. Within 15 minutes of going in the house, a thunderstorm arrived with heavy rain, strong winds and hail. Her vehicle suffered extensive damage and she was quite angry with herself for having ignored such good advice.
How do I do it?
Tell your guide that you wish to return the gift of free will. Saying the words out loud - preferably privately - establishes this commitment within your very being.
What happens then?
The process begins by asking for assistance. The words “Please guide me” or “What would you like me to do?” are effective because they are clear of judgment and control. Say the words aloud or in your thoughts and then listen for, and follow, instructions. Aim toward following guidance in all things, at all times.
Sounds simple enough, right? It is easy, but only until the Universe asks something of us that interferes with our wishes or beliefs. Then we start finding out how deeply entrenched our patterns have become.
Why follow guidance?
The benefits are multiple. Think about it: our guide knows where we need to be and when we need to be there. If our guide says, “Please leave now”, they mean it. By following guidance, it becomes possible, depending on the required lessons, to avoid situations with negative consequences. We can miss getting stopped by a train that would make us late for an appointment, or we may avoid getting into an accident. It also becomes possible to arrive at the store in time to get that perfect parking spot, or to buy the last available sale item.
Most importantly, making this sacrifice lifts some of the restrictions placed on our guides by the spiritual laws, and enables them to work with us in a more collaborative way. In addition to communicating with us telepathically with words and/or symbols, the guides will also use physical signals to alert our attention to our unrecognized negative thoughts. This can be quite jarring at times; however, it is done to honour our request for guidance.
There is no way we will get it right 100 percent of the time. No way. The process of learning to seek and follow guidance is a gradual, on-going effort, enabling us to learn more about ourselves and even about human behaviour in general. The process develops our patience, tolerance, and trust and enables us to re-shape, old, negative behavioural patterns.
Special note
Surrendering our free will to the Universal Intelligence opens the door to a larger, more meaningful reality. Doing so enables our personal companion/teaching guide to work with us in ways that are, quite frankly, incredible. It is this gift of divine assistance that enables us to raise our consciousness to new levels, and helps us find our way home to Source.
Walking the walk
If this idea resonates within you, you may have followed this path in previous lifetimes. If you decide to undertake this journey, please contact me directly.
The process of entering life in physical
Soul groups wander the universe, exploring, experiencing, learning. They come upon planet earth and are drawn in by its beauty and by its inhabitants. They desire to experience physical existence here. Before doing so, classes, led by specially trained entities, are presented to prepare them for what is to come.
Souls are taught the meaning of, and consequences for, the following:
Required life experiences
Before entering physical form, each soul agrees to experience a program of required lessons over the course of many incarnations. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
These experiences are provided so that we may learn our way back to Source. We cannot know where we are in the process until we are in spirit once again and awaiting incarnation into our next lifetime. Further preparatory classes are attended during intervals between incarnations.
Leaving a lifetime at a particular level of development is not a guarantee that we will enter our next incarnation at that level, or be any more or less likely to achieve that level again, or advance further; neither is it a limitation of our potential. Awakening depends on the life lessons presented in the current lifetime and our reactions to them. Achieving each level of spiritual self-awareness, and desiring the next, ensures presentation of the challenges of the next level.
Astrological connection
The astrological signs provide an agenda of spiritual tendencies that incarnating souls will experience as part of their development. The day, time and location of birth enhance specific traits, both positive and negative. The soul’s challenge is to overcome the negative tendencies and strengthen the positive. The soul’s reactions to its life experiences determine its next phase of spiritual development and required experiences.
The time, place and circumstances of the soul’s human birth are the result of our reactions to our previous incarnations. It is not that we choose a particular sign; rather, it is set out for us. We voluntarily accept it knowing that overcoming the challenges will bring us closer to recognizing that we are all, each and every one of us, a divine element of the Universal Intelligence.
Guides’ classes
If its charge has not yet experienced physical existence on Planet Earth, the guide is taught the parameters of, and limitations imposed by, the spiritual law of free will on communicating with its charge while in physical.
The students and their guides are energy, so no physical location is needed for the classes. The students observe humans, either as individuals or in groups, going about their daily lives. Their guides are permitted to communicate with the guides of those in physical to obtain answers for their charge’s questions. The privacy envelope mentioned above protects against invasion of the soul’s thoughts by anyone other than their personal guide.
Declaration of Universal Citizenship
Figure 24: This vast universe...Milky Way , Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies
Photo credit: Photo by Antonio Ciccolella - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
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Be it understood that...
Traveller record
All details from each entire incarnation are added to traveller’s akashic record. This includes spiritual and physical reactions to experiences, improvements, failures, successes, karmic debt accrual and payment thereof, progression towards purity of thought, and much more. Traveller and its guide review and assess the record after each incarnation is complete and before the next begins.
Who we are
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