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About the author

What inspired you to create your website?
While a young child, I became deaf in one ear. The condition was diagnosed as being untreatable and the deafness remained for 35 years. In 1995, a health crisis motivated me to begin meditating, and that started things changing. I met a woman who told me that, along with eight energy treatments, restoration of my hearing would be in direct relation to the amount of work I was prepared to do upon myself. The information was taken to heart and work began, both on the ear and on self. About six weeks later, after the full course of energy treatments and much belated grieving, meditation and soul searching, my hearing was fully restored.

Thus my spiritual education began. Through the practice of focused meditation, I have learned that the Universal Intelligence hears our thoughts, hopes, desires and fears - and cooperates with them! My deafness began because the Universe cooperated with a deep desire to not hear my parents' constant arguing or my sister's constant chattering. It ended because of an even deeper desire to bring profound change into my life.

Once I began to become "the real me", it was clear that the best thing I could do in this life would be to share everything the Universe has taught me. I know firsthand of several people who have gained profound healing through doing this work. One person told me that she and her friends call Section 5 of my website "the Hellish Table", and that if they get sick or suffer injury, they say, "Well, do we dare look?" because they know they may have to confront an uncomfortable Truth. Of course we both laughed when she told me, but it meant a lot to me to know that the Truth shines through, because finding Truth is the path to profound healing (thanks Oksana!)

The main lesson I've learned about healing is that it is information - the truth - that heals the spiritual component of our ills. Medicine, both traditional and non-traditional, and remedies work on the physical, and at this point in human evolution, both are needed. One day that will change though, and chronic diseases will become a distant memory.

Photo of the author

Where do you get the information for your website?
All of the information comes from the Universal Intelligence via my guide(s), except for Section 11 which was provided by the Archangel Halaliel.

What is god for you?
For me, God is the source, the Universal Intelligence. It is everything. It is energy - deeply intelligent, responsive, unconditionally loving - energy. When we connect with Source, the energy registers in us as unconditional love. Unfortunately, being in physical form can make it challenging to maintain the connection for more than a few seconds at a time.

Are you religious?
I am not religious, but I have a very strong belief in the reality of the Universal Intelligence. There is nothing anyone could say that would convince me it does not exist, or that we are not its children.

Do you have clairvoyant abilities?
Yes, but then I believe we all do. It is a matter of learning how to get centred and clear our thoughts long enough for the Universe to get a few words in, and then recognizing that it was them and not us.

Do you have medical training?
No, and no medical information is presented in this website or the e-book.

What do you believe about life?
Life on planet earth is a school and we are all in different stages of learning - learning our way back to Source. We come to earth to put into practice that which we learn when not in human form. Since we do not have access to our soul memory when we are in physical, we need to rely on our guide to lead us. I believe that seeking instruction from our guide in all things is the path to a life well-lived.

If you get stuck
Choosing to work on self as described in this site can present difficulties; one of the most challenging can be learning that what we have been taught to believe as truth and what the Universe considers to be truth are often two very different things. Our guides are obliged to go along with our beliefs, so it is very easy to get stuck. If you do, contact the author for assistance.

Terms of use
No medical advice is dispensed by the author of this text, or by this text. The author assumes no responsibility for the reader’s well-being, or for diagnosing any medical condition for the reader, or for the reader's treatment of any condition. Your use of any portion of this web site shows that you have read and agree to these terms.

Mission statement
Our Spiritual Nutrition enables people to build a personal connection with the Universal Intelligence.

Our Spiritual Nutrition envisions a day when all humanity works consciously with the Universal Intelligence.

There are no fees of any sort and membership is not required to access this website's information. There are no ads, no gimmicks, and no catches.

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© Copyright: Sheila A. McBeath 1999
ISBN  978-1-7753521-2-9
If you print, reproduce or use any of this information, do not alter the content, and acknowledge "Making Change in Our Lives (a workbook)" within your material.

Pay it forward
If the spirit moves you, please donate to your favourite charity or perform community service.

Terms of use
The information in this website and/or e-book is provided as spiritual information only. It is not to be used or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Consult your healthcare provider before making healthcare decisions. Your use of this web site and/or e-book means that you accept these terms.

Last Updated 20250124

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